I'd like a little advice on what to eventually shoot for for gear-wise for Pallai (18CLR/2MNK). I'm getting pretty happy with the daily gear I have now, but there are quite a few raids that I did not run before I TR'ed- there may very well be better loot out there and I want to start keeping my eyes open for possibilities.
Gear is for an Offensive Casting Cleric build.
Here is my present gear:
Helm: Minos Legens
Neck: Lorrik's Necklace
Armor: Icy Raiments/Elfcrafted Robes
Bracers: Armored +7/Chaosguardes
Gloves: Spectral Gloves
Belt: Belt of Thoughtful Remembrance/Planar Girds for clickys
Boots: Surefooted Boots/Firestorm Greaves
Rings: STR+6, FFalling
Trinket: Voice of the Master, Dusk Heart, Head of Good Fortune
Shield: N/A
Goggles: Triple Neg Greensteel
Cloak: Ghostwaking Cloak, CHA cloak (for DVs), Mantle of the Worldshaper
Weapon: MinII GS kama, Potency/Spell pen Qstaffs and Kamas, Stat Damaging wraps
These are items on my "to get list"
Cloak of Ice/Bluefire Necklace (Want the Fire/Ice Shield clickies)
Golden Greaves (For DR)
Stormreaver's Napkin
Need to finish GS kamas with caster stats/Con Op.
Mysterious Bauble
Blue Dragonscale robe (up to 14 scales!)
I'm torn on the DT robes- I've already got a DT Outfit with Heavy Fort and (yucky stat). Unless I can get the Lorrik's on it, I'd really like to hear arguments on how this would be better than the Icys/Blue Dragonscale.
Thank you!