I currently have a lv 16 dwarven monk that I love to death. I built her back in the day, before you could buy 32 pt characters, so unfortunatly she is only a 28 pointer. This is only a temporary build for my last couple levels to 20, at which point I will either True Res her or Greater Res (if it ever comes out).
The way she currently stands, she will never hit a base of 18 for her Dex and some of her feats and skills need a touch up, so I have decided a Lesser Res would be the best for her at this time (and the cheapest). I'm basically asking for advice on my stat allocation and not so much the skills, feats, and enhancements.
Again, this is not going to be an uber awesome end game raiding character, but just someone I enjoy soloing and playing with friends (and who has an 18 base in all the stats I need). As a dwarf I take the full Dwarven Tactics enhancement line. I enjoy Stunning and Tripping as often as possible (hince the high STR and WIS instead of all out DEX).
Balmora of the Long Death
Lawful Good, Dwarven Monk
Stats (+ Items, Tomes, Enhancements, Etc)
STR 15 (+6 item, +2 tome, +1 lv up)
DEX 14 (+6 item, +2 tome, +2 lv up, +4 stance)
CON 14 (+6 item, +2 tome, +2 lv up, -2 stance, +2 enhance)
WIS 16 (+6 item, +1 tome, +3 enhance)
Final Stats (with all those bonuses)
STR 24
DEX 28
CON 24
WIS 26
Skills: Balance, Concentration, Jump, Tumble (1 point only)
Feats: don't really need help here. I'm a Light Monk, all the two-weapon line, Stunning Fist, Stunning Blow, Toughness, and some others I can't think of off the top of my head. I am not a Weapon Finesse'r.
Enhancements: got these covered too. Going Grandmaster Fire (yeah, i like the fire damage) Wind, and Earth; Dwarven Tactics and spell resist; and some others that fill out the character nicely.
So, will she fall flat on her face or does she at least stand a chance of holding her own?