What's the best/established/acceptable way to trade items that are posted in Argo trade forums?
Arrange a meeting in-game?
Mail the items/plat?
(Cue people saying that YES! I should mail them plat!)
What's the best/established/acceptable way to trade items that are posted in Argo trade forums?
Arrange a meeting in-game?
Mail the items/plat?
(Cue people saying that YES! I should mail them plat!)
~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
~Shipbuff, Sophalia, Northenstar ~
~ Ascent~
If you know or trust them mail is fine I have done mail trades with many across several servers otherwise arrrange a meeting.
When I duel someone I like to dual wield. with my rouge wearing rogue.
I agree if you know them mail is cool otherwise meet up somewhere sometime
Beware the Sleepeater
I would meet and trade face to virtual face. This prevents any possible error or unfortunate situations (item "lost in mail").
I only trade by mail with guildies or people I'm very sure wouldn't pull some shenanigans. Everyone else meet at any place, invite to party, write down the trade in the party window. Take screenshot of it. Open trade window. Take screenshot. Open inventory and look for item. Hover over item to get tooltip, screenshot.
Also, as someone with 2.5yrs in the game, I do my best to help newbies not getting robbed by the very few vets who would pull that kind of low-life trickery (like offering a noob 20K gold for a planar gird they just pulled).