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  1. #1
    Founder Lyle_Vertigo's Avatar
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    Jan 2006

    Default Sorc / Ftr build (old school adapting to new school)

    After coming back much has changed.

    Level cap increased, new (wonderful) new feats like the swapping wisdom bonus with chr bonus, heavy offhand two weapon fighting and cool new enhancements.

    Back in the day my main character was building for a meleeing scorc.

    The primary focus of the build was to focus on melee DPS backed by self buffing with the option of decent (but not perfect) magic attacking capabilities. Some of you might have seen my article in Ten Ton Hammer way back (still there surprisingly under "battlemage" though is explained up till level 10.

    Well, since I started up again I took lesser reincarnation to take advantage of the new feats and enhancements the game now has to offer. I had a lot of rust when I did it though and might have made a couple of "whoopsies" XD but still turned out alright. By now I worked out most of my rust and am almost back to my old self. One new Enhancement I really love is the Iron Defender. I haven't seen anyone yet use it but has come in handy more times than I can remember. Adamantine is a CR12 construct with damage resistance. Apart from the others that only spew grease the Adamantine will breathe fire as well. Aside from crowd control it has great survivability and often seeing it holding a group of monsters without getting heavily damaged. An extra bonus I love watching Dwarf Fighters slip in doggy vomit

    Currently I'm level 13 (Sorc 9 / Ftr 4) and plan on making a revision to my article once I hit 20 (considering on Sorc 12 / Ftr 8 but is still subject to change).

    Ultimately I want to set up the equipment so that I would be able to wear a cloth body for 0% SFR. It would require me to move around my Deflection Bonus, Chr/Str Bonuses (Dex will be stable in gloves slot as Spectral Gloves) and SP Bonus possibly (currently in trinket as PX). Right now the Head, Rings and goggles slot are open to anything. The way to make body cloth would be to:
    1) Swap out the +4 deflection bracers for a +7(or +8 if avail.) armor bracers.
    2) Which would mean finding +4 deflection (or better) cloak to replace the
    +6 Chr Banner Cloak.
    3) Then would have to find a +6 Chr Helm (slot currently open) to replace
    the loss of the Banner Cloak.
    4) The body then could equip any robe/outfit to ones desire (though for this
    build the outfit would be a more visual appropriate choice).

    Currently I'm wearing for armor (as 13 9Sor/4Ftr):
    • Head: Founder's Helm (I know, but I haven't found anything worthwhile to fill the slot, so heres to +5 HP! ^^;
    • Body: +3 Mithril Twilight Fullplate of Axeblock -5/dr *15%SFR, *15 AC w/Dex (If going to be casting more I use +4
      Mithril Chainshirt of Iceguard 1d8 frost *10%SFR, *15 AC w/Dex)
    • Wrist: Mantacle Chains (+4 Deflection Bonus)
    • Glove: Spectral Gloves (Ethereal, +2 Attack Bonus, +5 Dex)
    • Feet: Ash Boots (+30% stride. I swap in Featherfalling boots if I have to jump off a mountain).
    • Neck: J. Collar (can't remember full name XD) (+10% attack speed. Subbed in with underwater action, +1 natural
      AC, or Diamond Necklace which has absorb 3 neg. spells)
    • Belt: +4 Str
    • Trinket: Pearl of Power X (+100 SP but around 170 for Sorc I think. Subbing Fragment of Silver Flame if needed)
    • Ring, L: Ring of Spell Resistance 19
    • Ring, R: Situational, will use +4 Resistance primarly but will sub in: Greater Acid/Fire Resistance 30/ or Greater
      Force IV

    For defensive spells I currently have:
    • Shield
    • Blur
    • Stoneskin
    • Haste
    • Protection from Energy

    I really wished that wiz/sorc could get barkskin, but I make due with +3 potions. It does get costly though when purchasing a full stack of +3 Barkskin potions but not near as bad as a full stack of Granite and Diamond Dust ingredient for Stoneskin (I'm glad that the ingredients last a long time before restocking though). In the future I plan on getting heroism so I can ditch the tower shield and enjoy a longer buff. I'm still learning what the upper levels have to offer and not sure if greater heroism would be avail. to a level 12 sorc. (Highly doubt it and not sure if Sorc can even get it while typing this ><)

    For offensive spells:
    • Magic Missile
    • Ray of Cold
    • Web
    • Ray of Fire
    • Chain Missile
    • Phantasmal Killer

    A pure class Sorc can boost damage through feats and enhancements easily for all types of magic damage. When multiclassing, however, makes it much more challenging when trying to select which feats/enhancements that will benefit both sides of the multiclass. Sorcerers are more geared to raw power than utility of Wizards and when multiclassing they are forced to become even more specialized. Since most of my feats went towards the melee side I was not able to select any metamagic feats (for the moment anyway at level 13). This is ok, since most of the time my damage comes from melee. I decided to focus on force spells (will take force missile next level) since none of them lose their effectiveness even at the highest levels and few instances are they resisted / immune (shield will block Magic Missile but not Chain/Force Missile). Using force crit and damage + enhancements along with kinetic and potency items really makes force spells shine and with all the bonuses makes Chain Missile outshine Fireball (no resistance or saves). Even as an effective 13 character, Phantasmal Killer works just as well on my level 9 Sorcerer side and it comes in handy with those beholders (I HATE Beholders! ><) Web works fine too but not as well as I'd like to sometimes. With equipment my SP currently sits at 1015 and even though it might seem low for a Sorcerer for what I do I almost never run out (if I find myself in a long run I carry some Mnemonic(sp?) potions just in case)

    The melee aspect is working out much better now than what it used to be. My hit bonuses are much higher than what they used to be (so I think). Sure feels that way XD I guess mainly in part of all the new, wonderful, bonuses they have added to equipment now. Mine usually stays around 18 -20 with a BAB of +8 (while fully bufffed it jumps up to around 30). This isn't great but isn't bad either, though I rarely find myself in the position of missing a lot. This will improve when I start leveling up my Fighter side again. To help me compensate I carry a huge collection of weapons for specific instances of a specific monster type. Here is what I have currently.

    • +5 Shock Scimitar of Maiming / +5 Shock Scimitar of Maiming (for general fights and trash monsters)
    • +2 Holyburst Scimitar of Righteousness / +2 Holyburst Scimitar of Maiming (vs.
      Evil that are not undead or save vs. desruption too often)
    • +2 Improved Cursespewing Scimitar / +2 Paralyzing, +1 Smiting, +1 Disruption
      Scimitar of Crippling (for fun, undead, construct respectively)
    • Superior Potency III Dagger / Major Kinetic III Dagger (for Missile slinging)
    • Muckbane / Muckbane (obvious :P)
    • +5 Flamingburst Longsword / +1 Flamingburst Longsword of Greater
      Humanbane (for weak vs. fire, looking for something better for latter)
    • +3 Icyburst Falchion (for weak vs. cold. looking for good +4/5 Icyburst Scimitars)
    • +2 Cursespweing throwing axe of slowburst (for fun mostly)
    • +4 throwing axe (for picking off blocked targets from afar, though rarely have
      the chance D

    I'm falling in love with my character all over again, it is so much fun than playing a pureclass (if I get bored I just swap from melee to spell-slinging or vice-versa) though it is much more challanging (and expensive) than going pureclass. The hardest obstacle is dealing with Ogres and Reavers as they cleave right through me (even with slashing/bludgeon -5/dr + stoneskin) so I ten to lay back and cast casual with them (unless we have a very good tank or a dedicated healer for me lol XD) Some people don't understand my build, and I can understand this as I rarely see any multiclasses nowadays and it doesn't help that the symbol shows Scorcerer for me even though I mostly melee >< but my kills are always one of the highest and that is what I go for :3 HP sits at 114 which is low but not as bad as it could be. This is what gets me killed more than anything and I have to keep reminding myself to let the clerics know so that they don't overcure (it looks like I take lots of damage but my max is just low, so I often get cured double than what I should XD)

    When I level this guy up to 20 I'll revision my article in great detail on Ten Ton Hammer and will update my post here with my final results ^^

    Edit 1: Forgot to add HP, Armor, and Misc.
    Last edited by Lyle_Vertigo; 02-28-2010 at 05:01 PM.
    Lyles Vertigo formally known as Lyle

    Multiclass Specialist

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  2. #2
    Community Member JeffreyGator's Avatar
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    Apr 2008


    Why is your hp so low?

    I melee a lot on Asteriel a 9 wiz, 2 ranger, 2 rogue and have 204 hp.

    Elf 18 con, toughness + 2 racial enhancements, minos legends (those may be what you are missing and should help a ton with your ogre and reaver problems)

    I always think that the armor and the pair of glowy swords should be a clue towards the melee propensity of my wizard but I mostly run with guildies and they have figured the toon out after a year and 33 levels.

    And a variety of other multiclassed toons without vowels thnk/r/s/rbll/sgmp

  3. #3
    Founder Lyle_Vertigo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JeffreyGator View Post
    Why is your hp so low?

    I melee a lot on Asteriel a 9 wiz, 2 ranger, 2 rogue and have 204 hp.

    Elf 18 con, toughness + 2 racial enhancements, minos legends (those may be what you are missing and should help a ton with your ogre and reaver problems)

    I always think that the armor and the pair of glowy swords should be a clue towards the melee propensity of my wizard but I mostly run with guildies and they have figured the toon out after a year and 33 levels.
    Yeah, my Con is my 2nd lowest attribute with +0 mod for health I am now wearing a fearsome outfit with heavy fortfication so that I no longer have to worry about nasty crits. I'm going to take ftr side to 8 or 9. It seems low for now but should get better once I start leveling up ftr. For now I just have to stay on my toes XD
    Lyles Vertigo formally known as Lyle

    Multiclass Specialist

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  4. #4
    Founder Lyle_Vertigo's Avatar
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    I took another level in fighter to help boost my HP and BAB a bit. Ironically, my HP actually dropped after all that I've done with it (technically up to 129 but down to 109 with symbiont)

    I did the moving around of gear so that I now wear outfits and 0 SFR. I now wear

    +6 Chr Helm
    +5 Prot. cape
    +5 AC bracers

    I wonder if using a +6 con ring would be better than wearing the +19 SR ring? Maybe I should look for a Fearsome Outfit of Spell Resistance 19 and just wear that all the time (but I'm afraid of super-crits! D
    and I now toggle between

    Fearsome outfit of Heavy Fortification


    Deathblock outfit of Spell Resistance 19

    I found Fearsome + Heavy Fortification to be much more helpful and I am surprised at the effectiveness of Fearsome at any level. No more 1 hit deaths from super trolls or Named Reavers XD

    I took a 2 point hit on AC though by doing this, bringing me down to 29~30 unbuffed. I do have a +7 AC bracers ready at level 15 and a +8 at level 17 so I should be fine next level. HP is my largest concern atm.

    I'm waiting in anticipation for the Greater Reincarnation this weekend. I'll be able to add 4 points to my much needed Con (28 -> 32 build) and redistribute my skill points more appropriately and look deeper into my feat selection (though, I have few feats and the ones I chose are very dependent on TWF) That 4 Con though should fix my low HP problem. Once I get the last of my top priority feats I"ll get Mental Toughness and Improved Mental Toughness. I never been to 20 so not sure how many feats I will receive between now (14) and 20. As far as I know, I plan on taking Scorcerer to 12 and Fighter to 8, giving me +2 feats for level 15 and 18, +2 feats for fighter bonus levels, and 1 metamagic bonus feat for Sorcerer 11.

    So, by my usually bad math I have 5 feats to look forward too. I'll probably go in the route of

    Greater TWF
    Mental Toughness
    Improved Mental Toughness
    and for the metamagic feat....not decided yet. Enchrew Materials would be very helpful for me as +2 SP would be a definate trade off to using loads of Granite and Diamond Dust. I'm a force specialist so Maximize won't do me much good as my missiles now do 7-9 with 19-22 crits. Enlarge Spell has lots of promises but I generally don't buff the party aside from haste and the occasional blurr/stoneskin if needed.
    Lyles Vertigo formally known as Lyle

    Multiclass Specialist

    You can reach me at

  5. #5
    Community Member epochofcrepuscule's Avatar
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    Aug 2007


    considering some of the gear you have... it never occured to you the minos legen would be better then the founder helm?

  6. #6
    Founder Lyle_Vertigo's Avatar
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    Jan 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by epochofcrepuscule View Post
    considering some of the gear you have... it never occured to you the minos legen would be better then the founder helm?
    At the time and even now I'm still learning the new areas. I still need 4 tapestries to get the helm, but it is no longer needed.

    Took Greater Reincarnation and bumped it from 28 to 32 build. Took the extra points towards Con and shifted some of my skill points and did an overhaul on my enhancements. I ditched the dog (he wasn't very loyal, kept running off XD). Now I have 200 HP (80 more than before) and 1200+ SP at level 15.

    Equipment wise it can't get better without the exception of greensteel, which I'm now just starting to craft some greensteel goggles. I'm planning on making them +SP with Ooze guard. I want an army of Oozes XD
    Lyles Vertigo formally known as Lyle

    Multiclass Specialist

    You can reach me at

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