Started levelling up a monk today and was wondering if anyone had holy handwraps LV4 I could buy/borrow/trade.
Started levelling up a monk today and was wondering if anyone had holy handwraps LV4 I could buy/borrow/trade.
Eldun, Eldette, Eldunica, Elduminum, Eldookin, Eldojo, Eldeberries, DarkEldun, DrEldun, Kristinka, Woodpile
Officer of Pestilence. Looting's our business and business was good until the Dev's ruined the game by making everything exclusive, bound to account, and ridiculously trivial.
Also as long as your feeling generous, Breike is my first character on Thelanis using the rockin robin build and could use some love! Or if you could give some advice on finding the weeping handwraps that would be nice too Did 5 or 6 runs with full groups and never got em .
Currently lvl 3, so anything thats 4 or 6 would also be nice (Halfling btw)
Thanks, I appreciate it. Didn't realize that handwraps have a higher min level than everything else and that they are a pain to get . Always getting robes and quarterstaffs as my end rewards, but I guess that will change for the higher level quests.