I am teaming up with my boyfriend (he is going to be a fighter with some levels in rogue for a lock picking/searching kind of thing). I either group with him or go solo. However, I’d like to be able to play in a group as a healer as well. After researching a bit I’d like to try favored soul as a TWF who can heal well. Is that even possible? I have looked all over the forums and have a good idea, but it seems all the builds use a tome or item in their stats. I used a build I found here and couldn't cast any spells. So I need a build that doesn't take tomes/items into account, unless there is an easy way to get them.
I’m not sure what stats, feats, and skills would be best as I am new to the game, and unfamiliar with the dnd 3.5 rules. I’d like to play a Drow (leaning towards this) or an Elf character. I have a 32 point build system to work with. I’d like a character I am happy with at endgame, instead of wishing I had gone a different route. I also think I'd like to be a pure favored soul, unless there is a good argument against it.
Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions? I’d appreciate any and all comments. Except all the ones calling me a noob. As a side note, I am posting this in both the favored souls forum and character builder forum, as I am not sure where it goes exactly.