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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Ranger, multiclassing to rogue? is it worth it?

    I want to multiclass to rogue for dungeons, and also just because im sneaky anyways. My other question is is there anyway to do a ranged sneak attack, i know you could in the tabletop game but i dont know if you can on this. I am a 20 year player and i think they did a wonderful job making this a online game! Thank you.


  2. #2
    Community Member Xyfiel's Avatar
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    Always take rogue at level 1 if you want to do traps/locks, you get way more skill points. Rangers already get stealth abilities if you take them.
    Range sneak attack is within 30 feet, about the same distance of a haste spell.

  3. #3
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    You can only get ranged sneak within 30 ft. Ranger can be pretty much as sneak oriented as rogues, but unless you are planning so solo, you won't be using that much.

    Basically what you are adding is trapfinding and open lock. Personally, I wouldn't recommend it as I think you lose more than you gain. However, some people do like that build, check out the ranger forum for examples.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    ok thanks, ill take it into mind

  5. #5
    Community Member cdr's Avatar
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    One (or maybe two) levels of rogue works great on a ranger if you want to do traps/locks. Sneaking is a side benefit (the level of rogue will give you the Faster Sneaking enhancement), but I don't consider sneaking that useful.

    As was said, you want to take the rogue level first so you can max out your disable/open lock at character creation.

  6. #6
    Founder BalanceFx's Avatar
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    I have a Rogue 1/Ranger 14. (I keep toying with respeccing the rogue out hehe).

    However I do like the ability to solo. I can hit most traps and locks np. (Ranger skill boost, +5 tools, heroism clicky, nimble fingers etc etc... You can get your skill way up there.) Rangers can skimp on skill points into spot because of Wild Instincts. (+10 insight bonus to spot and listen.)

    There is one quest in GH... Cant remember the name right now but we were running elite and there is a chest behind a trap... I couldn't find that box with several searches and skill boosts etc... I was lower level then and only had +10 search glasses... not sure if I could find it now though.

    I also like Rogue as it adds significantly to UMD for the build... Self buff UMD is over 30. (And I only have the cartouche, heroism clicky and ranger boost...) I know there are more buffs I am missing but not high on my priority list right now.

    I use CK occasionally... Teleport, raise dead etc etc... Stoneskin wands...

    As an Arcane archer stone skin is rarely needed. (And in House J you can get flaming arrow wands) (So Icy Burst (Ice games), Acid longbow of Pure Good shooting Flaming Arrows with +1d6 sneak and +1d6 acid from Arcane and then the follow up melfs Tic. Couple with Many shot, Divine Power Clicky and Rogue Damage Boost and you can throw some hurt down in a hurry. *Esp if your foe is a favored enemy)) If I were to change... Hes a drow... so I would make him as a 32 point elf and pick up the bow damage enhancements too.

    I have heard end game though... Rogue skills wont be high enough... (I dunno never been to end game... running around vale now without much difficulty though) I also heard bow is useless end game too. (Which is fine... Rangers can melee too.)

    Meh. Definitely a fun build.
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  7. #7
    Community Member transtemporal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BalanceFx View Post
    There is one quest in GH... Cant remember the name right now but we were running elite and there is a chest behind a trap... I couldn't find that box with several searches and skill boosts etc... I was lower level then and only had +10 search glasses... not sure if I could find it now though.
    Sounds like the infamous Cabal of One trap. It has an insane DC on elite, in the early 60's if I remember correctly. If you can't get it, you've designed your guy correctly to my mind.
    Some toons with Cow in the name, and some without.

  8. #8
    Community Member Laretes's Avatar
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    I am using the 18 Rng 1 Monk 1 Rogue build. Rogue 1 lvl1, Monk at lvl13.
    When you put your skill points into rogue skills you can have very decent trapfinding / disarming abilities, but of course you are not a trap monkey for tough elite or epic content.
    There have been boxes that I could not find, for example the one that was mentioned (Cabal), but I can find and disarm 90% or more, which is enough imho.

    Edit: Don't put much or anything into spot, as mentioned above. Wild instincts plus high WIS is enough. They seem to have lowered the spot limits significantly, I almost always get a warning, even on very difficult traps (right before they blow / cut / melt / burn me to pieces / ashes).
    Last edited by Laretes; 03-03-2010 at 06:44 AM.
    Laretes - 20 Cleric
    Igel - 18 Rng / 1 Rogue / 1 Mnk
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  9. #9
    Community Member
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    ok than ks that elps alot, i think i will stay Ranger after all, i will just see if i can get a rogue to go with me if i have a difficult time with a trap

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