Greetings. I'm fairly new, around 2 months, was f2p player now, as of Thursday, a brand spanking new VIP. Although I'm a veteran to MMOs; having played EQ, EQ2, WoW, AoC, & LotRO, I'm very much the newb in DDO. In my short time in DDO I've spent the vast majority of it trying out different races and classes and running through the various L1-4 or 5 quests. That was all very helpful to learn some of what Eberron has to offer.
Now I'm starting to think about my next step and it would seem it's about the right time to learn more about the Guild situation within DDO. Unlike some other games I've played I don't see a ton of advertisements, if you will, in chat. Having thus far stayed mostly in the early part of the game and only pugging on occasion (I'm funny about PUGs especially when I feel I don't know the game very well ) I also haven't really noticed a ton of Guild monikers on folks I've run into, that's mainly my fault since I've been so focused on figuring out the char I'm playing and situations within the quests I get a bit myopic at times. Due to that I really haven't a clue about any of the guilds around, although I've read through a number of the posts in this forum and have a general idea.
Anyway, I'd be interested in getting some folks take on the Guild scene on Khyber. As for myself, and as already mentioned, I'm a long time gamer who has been in Guilds in a variety of games, from small start up guilds to large mega versions. I've always gravitated toward those that have a more laid back view of the world. I'm not a big fan of those that have 5-10 raids each week which, while not officially mandatory are viewed as big plus or minus of your membership. Oh I don't mind raiding it's just once it becomes a "required" once+ per day every day thing that I start feeling like I have another job. I'm also not one that's into "drag arounds" (where higher level Guildys drag lower level members here there and everywhere) or "twink me ups" (where some members feel a Guild's obligation is to outfit them in the shiniest bestest). I can honestly say I have as much fun exploring all the nooks and cranies of instances and areas as I do in any other part and, as far as equipment is concerned, I want to feel like I earned it.
I pretty much enjoy all folks as long as they have a sense of humor and remember it's a freaking game. I don't mind letting my high lvl Char rest a couple days to roll a new one so that I can join up with a guild group that just decided it'd be fun to try something new. I also like to try everything but, much like with my statements re:raiding, while I try my best I have problems when Jane/John Doe get their panties in a wad because there's constant wipe in a quest that some thought would be a breeze. Again, it's a game, as long as we all keep our perspectives and have fun no matter what, I'm there. Start acting like the fact I hit the wrong button at the wrong time totally messed up your perfect record and I'm out of there
I'll also be the first to admit my skills are not as good as they were at 20, or 30, or 40, or......well never mindIf I screw up and somebody has the patience to say, "hey when that guy spawned you should always remember to......." vs. "*** are you doing you old SOB???!!!", I will do my absolute best to work on whatever it is but I'm no spring chicken (more like an old crow
) so I don't take well to those that have a hissy fit because somebody makes an innocent mistake.
Anyway, any thoughts, comments, feedback, whatever regarding the guilds around Khyber is very much greatly appreciated. No matter the outcome I look forward to running into as many of you as I can.
Thx all for the time/effort.