
Running a bard with fighter splash... could be 4, could be 6 (and Kensai... will see as I progress).

I see lots of builds aiming at Warchanter that keep charisma down to 10 or 12, building to no more than 16. If all I wanted was buffs, I guess that's all right.

Now, I like to CC as well. I understand that more charisma will assist spell penetration. I don't know where I read that. Obviously, to land a charm, fascinate, sleep etc I need to defeat the enemy's spell resistance (SR). With some of the extra feats from taking fighter I plan to take Spell Penetration and maybe Greater Spell Penetration to help this along.

Is there a benefit in building my Charisma score to 20 or more, or is it just points wasted that could have gone to Strength for to-hit or Constitution for hit points?