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a. I did not title the thread "Goodbye." The board Mod changed the thread title when s/he locked it.
b. I'm not sure how you missed the part about "Game Break." I have always said I would return when they fixed what they broke in Update 3. I'm told that Patch One was released?
I think you came here to start drama but maybe you really posted in good faith and were just curious?
In any case I hope I've cleared things up.
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Wait - that's it? Where's the witty banter between our main character and the evil villain leading up to the climactic final battle? Where's the zany sidekick? Where are the one liners? And the cool hero, at the end, walking away from a giant explosion and NOT looking at it?
I have sought to address individual people in good faith and answer what might be legitimate questions. When any given line of discussion began looking like an attempt by the questioner to engage in argument rather than reconciliation I then indicated my refusal to participation, however I never once said I would not respond elsewhere.
toughguyjoe - I must assume you are just here to troll, to have your fun. That is your right.
I made my apology in good faith. If you want to continue making personal attacks then you've missed the point and I'm sorry we couldn't have come to a better resolution.
Best Wishes,
I read your apology post, and I'm still a little confused. Basically, what I got out of it..
You wish for people to completely and utterly disregard anything you've said on the forums up until this point, and in the future in case you should slip up and not "take the high road".... (You see, this is kinda a misstep here. By stating that your postition is the "high road", you are implying that the other peoples positions are the "low road", or wrong)
And you don't want people to not group with you in game because of it, or cause problems for any group or people you might be associated with.
Is that it, in a nutshell? Because that's not really an apology. They usually have some form of "I was wrong" or "I won't do it again", or something along those lines. Ahh.. Here's a good definition of one.
I don't really see that part where you recognize your wrong doing.. I just see the part where you ask people not to punish you for it.
Osharan, Esharan, Osharina, Usharina, etc... I'm the 'sharans. Epoxy. Notverysexy.
I've taken the craft disturbing mental image feat... You have been warned!
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Hey guys!! Seen The Crazies yet!?!
This movie Is freaking identical to this thread that I'm watching right now!
I'm sorry. My actions on the forums can verge on the deplorable. I can only ask that for everyone's sanity that you accept my apology. I am apologizing from the deepest cockles of my heart. It is sincere, and I certainly hope that in the future I am judged not by what I have done, but by what I do in the future.
Everyone be sure to look out for Cleavons Raid Train! We'll be scheduling stops around Stormreach soon stay tuned!
Oh, and anyone wanna have a bright and lively conversation on what makes a good leader and why I simply ooze those qualities? No? Ok....
Best Wishes,