You're not even from Argonnessen! Find some dramaticization on Cannith! And that's a closed/locked thread you've referenced. You're very close to breaking some forum guidelines in that method - asking the author to validate his locked thread?
You know a thread has succeeded in popularity when bystanders are drawn to the fireball and throw casks of oil inabatedly into the inferno.
I demand my title FIRST!!!! Give me a title....ANY TITLE!!! I dont care, you cant offend me.
.......and no, Aten did NOT ask my permission.
lol ok, I didn't know I violated anything. I didn't ask him to validate anything, just thought he was leaving so as proof I noted the post where he said he was. BTW I have toons on Argo and Cannith. I'm sorry if I offended you Kistilan, I also didn't know I had to post only on Cannith related topics.
Thanks for the repremand sir, I'll try and be good.
Last edited by Khestral; 02-26-2010 at 04:14 PM.
I don't need to walk on water when I know that I can run on wine.
Ah, I misunderstood what you wrote. I thought that the "you" from your first sentence (this was me, apparently) was the same as the "you" from your third sentence (I suppose this was Aten). That was my bad.
I did read the ENTIRE thread, and I left my story up to interpretation as a similar event that had a similar outcome with less drama. You can read more into it if you want.
but it's so sleek and smooth. Its responsiveness to my every trace over its glossy surface and the little insertion to power it with a tight and snug fit is sinful. I just can't help myself!
I should have bought stock in apple years ago.
Oh and what's sarcasm!?!
thank you for your words, miss. Truly the ambassador of argonnessen.
Cleavon and Roepers Thread Reviews:
Welcome to the show, Roeper is out today.
I was given a doozy of a thread to read today, full of drama and famous names around Stormreach. While at first this sounds like it could have alot of promise, trust me it in fact does not.
I would not eat this thread if it were a sandwich.
Lets go over the main characters role. The thread begins with a solo shot of our star, full of sniffly eyed appologies. After such his interactions become slightly strange. Heres a few clips.
The main character tries incessantly to put across the point that he is both Done, and also Not going to argue anymore. Heres the doozy. Halfway through the film.....Well, lets just roll another couple clips.
Argumentative behavior flows out of our main character!?!?! Who wrote this script M.Night Shamalan? I've had enough of twists, especially in the sentiments of our main character to at frist "be done" and "Stop arguing" when in fact in the last third of the movie resumes an argumentative stance and begins to defend himself to the best of his ability.
Now lets roll the last clip.
Again with the Twists! He's done, he's not done. This is one of the worst written characters i've seen in my years of reading threads and giving them meaningless ratings of thumbs up or down.
In closing, I give this thread....Thumbs down. Though it might make a come back as a cult classic in a few months.
This thread is not complete without an official post from me.
Al; You're my absolute favorite ****-stirrer.
Mhykke; You ran out of gas wayyyyy too fast. Of course, it's kind of expected really. That'd be why Ishy's sister's with me now.
Ramases; Too few posts. We need more!!!!
Kes; You're a doll. Keep on keeping on.
Kist; Stop trying to kill my drama thread!!!!
Aten; LMAO. That is all.
Now please; Continue.
Now bringing the sexy back to AoK!!!
Ashamed officer of : My Little PWNY
Proud officer of :Archmagi