/bump for drama
Thelanis - Inferus Sus
Keeper Refugee - Exclusively playing WarforgedNursing IsFutile (FvS) - Unorthodox Behaviour (Kensai) - Bigbofo (Warchanter) - Nukelear Blast (Sorc) - Jurugu Fleshbane (currently TRing) - Reviving IsCheaper (Radiant Blaster)
Totally random post here, but your apology struck a chord with me. I don't know you, have never grouped with you, and I'm pretty sure you don't know me either. So if ever I got into a debate with you (which I have not), it would be on a forum.
My first impression of you would be what your "forum persona" would show me and all the other posters. Now some like to play forum drama olympics and usually it shows through the post. It sounds as if negatively playing in the forums has actually affected you through the relationships that you have made in-game.
So you offer an apology, good for you. Now if you mean this apology your "forum persona" should become who you truly are in RL. Otherwise the result will be the same cycle of hurting others unintentionally or intentionally until it comes back to bother you again.
/end random post
Order of the Silver Dragons
Syrbryce 10 TR Blitz, Hellagood 18 Cleric, Hawtness 17/2 Warchanter
Thelanis - Inferus Sus
Keeper Refugee - Exclusively playing WarforgedNursing IsFutile (FvS) - Unorthodox Behaviour (Kensai) - Bigbofo (Warchanter) - Nukelear Blast (Sorc) - Jurugu Fleshbane (currently TRing) - Reviving IsCheaper (Radiant Blaster)
This is kind of, although not exactly, my POV; but to elaborate. Specifically, I am not going to draw imaginary lines around a person's behavior in any of those three areas, because in the vast majority of cases it will be pretty similar. My reactions to such foolishness, however, will change based upon the scope of the arena that I am in.
In game, I will squelch folks pretty easily, because my game time is more limited than my forum trolling time, and I don't want to be bothered with idiocy or drama. Idiocy or bickering in game can directly result in reduced time actually playing - not my style - I am a zerger.
However, I don't have any forum posters on ignore, because I like hearing differing opinions whether I agree or not, and beyond that, it is important to see what someone said and therefore contradict if needed, or else new folks have nothing but the fool's word to go by.
That being said, there are a couple forum posters that either through idiocy or through aggressiveness, I have squelched in game without ever having run with them. This is rare, but it has happened, and I have no desire to revert such a decision.
(And to continue the observation for confronting the jerks of real life, I just put on my zen face, and continue smiling and projecting happy thoughts to attempt to bring about a change of consciousness directly through their perceptional awareness of my ability to transcend such blatant negativity. I would still love to find a way to do this in game/on boards, but I am still but a student myself).
sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana
First, I wholeheartedly agree and +1.
Second, I think it's a cop out for someone to say "don't judge me in game for things I've said in the forums" This forum, in particular, IS part of the game so expecting people not to judge one's behavior in this forum and to not project that same opinion in-game is simply absurd.
thats not what your profile sez on "Chubby Leather Chapwearers"
Go F(one) your Mom Mhykke she would appreciate it, trust me.
On another note, some people will still let you into their groups if you fight on the forums. Heffty and I have often gone toe to toe and he has never in my memory turned me down from a group of his that had room that I requested to join, and he is always friendly and polite to me ingame, He never needs to solo pug so I have never had him ask to join one of my groups and I am to my knowledge polite ingame.
There are only 2 exceptions to having all aspects of your gaming persona holding you acountable, if you are a good player people will overlook forums shenannigans, or if you are so bad that you provide comic relief people willl let you join. If you you are mediocre and a D-bag you will not be able to overcome that, if there is one thing Argo-server dispises its mediocrity... Sabo said it best "Argo home of the best of the best and the worst of the worst"
Last edited by Jonny_D; 02-26-2010 at 09:33 AM.
Found the popcorn, anyone have butter?
I wasn't back from my break for the latest act that happened that got you up in arms Aten. Didn't really care till every post I went to that you were in mentioned it and stirred the pot. I finally asked and was enlightened and my response was that you must not have enough to worry about, so more power to you. I just want to say that you have prolonged that action to people who weren't even involved by mentioning it at every turn. The people most affected and harmed have forgiven and have turned it to something positive. How are you more injured and grieved than they?
My opinion - and again opinions are like butt cracks, everyone has one and they always stink - is that to apologize for your attitude affecting your friends isn't an apology. It's a "I don't feel I was wrong but just so we don't lose that (whateverclass) that will let us complete the shroud, I'll do a kumbaya dance and hope we'll get the healers we need to stay alive"-logy.
If you say something, and believe it to be true, then don't apologize. Don't backpedal just because others think you're a jerk and don't want to play with you or the group you’re in. In all honesty, if they knew you were in there and didn't want to group with you, why did they join up? If they found out after they were in group that you were you, then they did the right thing and dropped instead of XP hitting or sabotaging your run.
And it's true that you can be so ****ed off at a person, but still have a good time in game with them. I can remember several shouting matching Allorious and I would get into, but if I ever needed help, he'd be there to lend a hand.
I don't need to walk on water when I know that I can run on wine.
Forum Drama...........never heard of it
Game Drama.............never heard of it
I love everybody
Everybody loves me
Big hugs in the Market tent!
P.S>Nut I miss you!
Last edited by jockobalbeno; 02-26-2010 at 10:09 AM.
Jockstrap I Support You, Pansie Pants Mc****er, Taints McTasty, Murple McWind, Gonarea Mistress of Stink.
Setting myself up here.... but....
Aten obviously had a grouping experience he didn't like. Someone dropped when he joined. Conversation ensued.... the guy dropped because of who he was on the forum. I've Run with ALL of you.... and with the exception of Bill.... You guys ARE different in groups than you are on the Forums. (I'd say sorry Bill.... but I know that would offend you...). Heck... some of you are different for group to group.
If he really means the appolgy, let him prove it. If he doesn't back up his apology.... you get a TON of Forum material out of it.
Either way.... I'm sure I'll get more song material from it!! Thank you...ALL of you!
Minstral of Mayhem
Aces over Kings
Khestral, you're not here to cause more trouble and I take in good faith you are offering a sincere response.
However, your entire post seems to be centered on a theme which I think would have been a moot point after you read my response to Tot.
If I keep repeating what happened will it eventually make sense?
I joined a group. Somebody dropped because of it. Somebody then, mad because his friend dropped, then went off on a tirade asking that I correct that which made his friend leave. This caused in game drama.
I joined a group. That is all. I am now laying down on my sword, offering those people a way out so we can just play a friggin game.
People can do with my apology what they want. I made myself very clear, so much so that I must assume those people who are having reading comprehension problems are doing it deliberately.
Best Wishes,
Last edited by Atenhotep; 02-26-2010 at 10:16 AM.
Id have to say mhykke is no different in group....he just pikes more.
...and Khes, we've had some good ones, but the above mentioned qualities that I respect are there.