Just pulled tickets for the Aug 14th DMB concert in Wichita, two days before they go on sale! I must have had my real life +1 loot gem going!
Just pulled tickets for the Aug 14th DMB concert in Wichita, two days before they go on sale! I must have had my real life +1 loot gem going!
Oh Man! Can't wait for them to come back to Montreal. I saw them a few years ago, one of the best concerts I've seen.
--{====> Cannith <====}--
Chugger (FB Barb) ~ Chuggs (Cleric) ~ Arizt (AA ranger) ~ Gnit (rogue) ~ Pinter (Wiz)
If Dave Matthews were a DDO character, I wonder what race/class he'd be.
Yay, paying $120 to watch a balding stoner yell gibierish into the mic for 4 hours straight!
How ya doin, Folks!?
Hib jab-ah hjiiba gab oh mow mow ma mooo mow mooooooooo!
*crowd goes wild*
Just kidding, I actually like DMB. I live in Washington State. I get to see him every year at this place:
Grats on the tickets man.
I find the music kinda weak and repetitive, but then I do not claim to be any sort of music expert. To each his own is my mantra. That being said, if we are going to talk about DMB then we must not neglect this little gem.
I like Dave's earlier music, but ever since he said that he'd like to chain the loggers in South America to trees, pour honey all over them and let ants eat them alive... yeah. I can't really get on board.