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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Break Enchantment Targetting

    I've found a couple of threads where folks suggest that you can use Break Enchantment to remove persistent AoE effects like Blade Barrier, WoF and Acid Fog. It's claimed that you can target it like fireball (ie. aim through the mouse reticle and cast the spell).

    Apparently I'm doing something wrong as I can't get this to work. Every time I try it just casts break enchantment on myself, which isn't terribly useful as it means that I need to walk into the offending AoE to dispell it.

    I've tried with auto-target set to both off and on, and it doesn't make a difference for me.

    Does targetting this still work? Is there some special trick to it? Maybe I'm targetting the wrong part of the AoE (I target the middle ground where it sits), maybe I need to jump, maybe I need to cross toes on both feet while playing upside down.

    Advice is appreciated.


  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Is no one using Break Enchantment anymore and thus no one else has run into this?

    If you are targetting Break Enchantment successfully, then I'd love to know how you do it.


  3. #3
    Community Member systemstate's Avatar
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    I would very much like to know this as well. I have the same problem.

  4. #4
    Community Member Poe76's Avatar
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    Default break enchantment advice

    lol I've been playing for almost 2 years and just figured this out.

    <-Newb lol

    Anyway, I have had trouble getting it to target effectively on
    AOE spells as well, so I've resorted to bulling my way into
    them with my cleric and targeting on myself. This seems
    to work 100% of the time.

    Realize not the best solution but it works great on Cloudkill/
    Acid Fog/Sleet Storm/ Etc.

    Lucky I've got lots of hp goodness on that guy.

    Maybe try targeting on a melee who is in the effected area?

    Will test it out to see.

    Have a good one!
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  5. #5
    Community Member Shandi's Avatar
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    I've been able to target it to fire elsewhere. When I notice that is almost always going off on my person what I do is target myself then detarget myself. This lets me throw it around

    It also seems that in higher lag situations it only wants to go off at my feet.

    Just keep with it and practice, that's how I was able to get it to work... it'll work just can be very annoying sometimes. If all else fails try to jump and cast the spell.

    Also as another aside to this it seems to affect how high up the camera is. Try to level the camera with your characters eye level and try that way.

    I swear that it'll work I've been able to do it. If you guys are still having a problem I'll see if I can post a video or something. I dunno I know it can be done!
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  6. #6
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    I either step into the mess I want to get rid of, or target a friendly in the mess.
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  7. #7
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    It will center on targeted party members. It will center on yourself if yourself or an enemy is targeted. It will center on where your mouse look target is at if you have nothing targetted. I haven't experimented, but it may make a difference if you are actively mouse targeting or not (as in if you move your mouse your facing changes verses if you move your mouse your pointer moves) .

    Sometimes it seems to bug.
    Thelanis: Kaiber, Kaish, Kailur, Kaisyl...

  8. #8


    I use mouse look mode, point, left mouse click where I want it, then cast, and it casts exactly where I'm pointing, not on myself.

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  9. #9
    Community Member Goldeneye's Avatar
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    1. Pretend your playing a FPS
    2. Go into mouselook
    3. aim at the center of the ground where the aoe is
    4. cast
    5. make sure nothing is between you and your target (the ground )
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  10. #10
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Likely your being screwed over by the new, horrible, auto-targeting features.

    Note that simply hitting "G" to disable it isn't enough, that only disables it partially. You have to disable it in several areas in addition to doing that to complete negate it and have your spells target correctly again:
    UI Settings - Auto target monsters/breakables/players/etc,, Uncheck all of these.
    Then agian hit "G" to disable it.

    Then manual targetting should be restored.

    As noted above, manual targetting shoud always be done in mouselook mode (hit T).

    Relying on targeting thru the focus orb is extremely ineffecient and something you really must learn to avoid if you want to advance your skill at the game.

    I do entire quests without ever using focus orb targetting, it's so much more effective for almost every spell.

  11. #11
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    Thanks for all of the above. Disabling everything as Shade described works.

    The other solution that worked for me was: target yourself and then clear target. The thing with this is that if anything ends up being targetted prior to casting, then you need to go through this again.

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