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  1. #1
    Community Member Draccus's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default Minor, but annoying launch issue

    This is a minor problem but troubling, nonetheless.

    I recently bought a new PC which was a MAJOR upgrade from my 6 year old Dell. It's Windows7, DX10 and runs great save one small problem.

    When I first launch DDO, the game closes as soon as it tries to launch. I relaunch it and it then launches fine and runs great for hours straight. Specifically:

    Double-click icon.
    Enter Username and Password
    Game loads servers and goes straight for my last server, Ghallanda.
    Screen goes black and I expect to see the loading splash screen
    Crash to desktop

    I do it all over again and then it launches fine. It's no big deal to have to log in twice but I'm wondering if there's some system issue that is causing this. Since this is a brand new PC, I'd like to know what the issue is.

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  2. #2
    Hero BurnerD's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    uncheck the last server box and it should work. I posted this same issue in the tech support forum awhile ago. Like your experience it would also always work the second time.

    I don't think the auto server select allows the launcher enough time to connect to the server and dumps you out. That is just a speculation though.

    I run a fast machine as well with a very good internet connection. Since I've gone back to manually selecting my server I haven't had it happen again.
    Argonessenn -Officer of Storm Shadow-
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  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Same here.

    I've been playing for a few months and this has always happened to me.
    I boot the programs from the Turbine Download Manager, boot it from icon on the desk top, boot it from the actualy app in the ddo folder, I even short cut'd it to my keyboard. But every time without fail, boot app, log in, app starts but then just stops. Try #2 - Bingo.
    Now first this happened to me on Sarlona, and now I play on Kyber, both have the same problem. And I understand that since this happens every time without fail, that it's not that much of a problem, and I agree, but I see I'm not the only one. Just curious as to the why?
    Oh and I'm Vista 32 bit.

    ~Spaceman Sal~

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