Children & Monsters is a guild founded from the remnants of the powergaming community of the European server, Keeper.
Some of us have been playing on Thelanis for around 2-3 years; whereas others have been here for 12 months; but we have an active player base of around 50 members, with between 25 -35 online each evening.
As a guild we focus on endgame raiding and epic questing. We daily run raids as a guild, often 3-4 back-to-back, often chain running Epic Raids. We have numerous European raid first completions amongst our players, of which I led a number of them.
Having played DDO with each other for four years, we consider ourselves to be socialising powergamers, so if you like a bit of a natter whilst rushing through Wiz King on Epic, we might be your type of guild.
Previously we haven't really actively recruited, but we are now currently looking to beef out our player base for the American timezones in particular; as well as Australian prime playing hours - having recently taken in a few American and Canadian players we are trying to get a steady amount of players during these times for raiding and epics. We do require players to either have a working knowledge of the game, or a desire to play the game long-term; and that you have an interest in end-game raiding and epic questing. That isn't to say you must have numerous capped alts - even the best players were new once - but you should be shooting for end-game content.
Our website can currently be found at:
If you are interested in seeking us out, contact one of the following:
Leader: Ataris/Paradisio/Diesell/Mydas/Genesyz (myself)
Second in Command: Faeryhl/Sulihn/Druana
Children & Monsters