We may just have to start our own mate, i haven't found one either
G'day. I don't have a guild but I'd be interested joining one, too. NSW, Available most-all the time. :3 Let me know how I can get in contact with you, or if you use Xfire add fleshshrike.
the guild of the red phoenix is a oz based guild lookin for active players post ibannez in game for interested we r on the kyber server
What server is that, Mick??
kyber sever
You may be interested in the Doom Brigade on Cannith Server. They are not strictly Aussie, but rather international with a lite-RP focus. I really enjoyed my time with them before creating my guild.
Member of The Guild of Calamitous Intent
Cannith Server
Main Toons: Skarro and Usko
I maximize my strengths and buy bane weapons for my weaknesses.