After Logging on post-datacenter move I had this message in my inbox.
"We understand your True Reincarnated (TR) character is unable to complete quests. We must provide a True Heart of Wood and the experience points for a second TR to repair the character. A second TR grants an additional 2 attribute points (36 point build or 32 for Drow) and a new past life feat, but costs additional experience to level up. You will also need to empty your reincarnation cache before re-reincarnating. Once your character has been leveled to 20 and granted the True Heart of Wood, you will have 24 hours to reincarnate that character or it must be deleted. Please note that this deletion cannot be undone.
If you have any questions or concerns contact the community team BEFORE you receive your TR items from us. You may do so using this form: Please write "TR Bug" in the subject line. If you have no questions and are ready to proceed, a Senior Game Master will contact you in-game the next time one is available while you are online.
In-Game Support Tea "(sic)
Is anyone else clear what this means?
Are they giving me experience after I hit 20 on my bugged life, to insta-re-level me? or they granting xp to level to 20 now, then telling me to level to 20 again with the double TR penalty?
If its the later... om thats pretty balls, having read here what that second TR is like I had no desire to do it.
The former still sucks and will be harder then normal, but and extra 2 build points and past life feat are acceptable rewards.
Still, can anyone clear this, did anyone else get this message?