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  1. #1

    Default 7 Rogue 5 Pallie Build

    My hubby wanted to lvl his lvl 4 drow sorc, so knowing he hates to pug and there would be just 2-3 of us questing, I rolled up and paladin rogue.

    5 levels of pallie for divine sacrifice.

    she is human and all her skills and feats have gone into the rogue side.

    I went way of the mechanic
    skill focus search and disable
    nimble fingers
    insightful reflexes?

    At lvl 12, so far, there hasn't been a trap I could not search out or disable, or a lock I could not pick. She is at +41 dd +38 search using +10 items.

    Str is 22 so she is fairly okay with melee and her ac is 34 unbuffed.

    Yet, when hubby is asleep, I cannot find groups because of the multiclass, unless someone has grouped with her before.

    Oh other than divine sacrifice, the rest of the enhancements have gone into rogue skills.

    Her dex is 19 with a reflex save around 18 ish
    intel is 23, looking for a +5 item
    wis 19 ish. with a +4 item I believe, might only be 3.

    She has minos legion on. HP are 212 sp 133.

    What I sacrificed on this build was her charisma. Right now she is at 17. LOH is 45 points. She has a high umd though and can use scrolls.

    Does anyone have any recommendations on possible changes I should make, or does she seem viable to you all.
    Hands you a Cupcake One of Many of the O'Rum Ferretus's

  2. #2
    Community Member PopeJual's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Cupcake View Post
    Does anyone have any recommendations on possible changes I should make, or does she seem viable to you all.
    I am very much enjoying my Paladin 17/Rogue 2. Unfortunately, there are a few magic numbers for Paladins and you're not going to hit the big one.

    At Paladin level 14, you will be able to cast Holy Sword and Zeal. Holy Sword gives you an outstanding weapon against anything evil and you don't have to use any Shroud ingredients to get it. Zeal gives you +10% melee speed for a few minutes (at which time you cast the spell again).

    I don't have enough skill points to keep my Disable Device and Search at a reasonable level, so I didn't bother with them at all.

    On the other hand, I'm good at beating things up.

    I'd recommend checking out for a great guide to creating Paladins, including an explanation of why Junts chose the options he did in the builds he suggests.

    If you want a fully functioning Rogue with just a splash of 1-2 levels, you might also want to consider Rogue 1/Wizard 18 - a Wizard's high Intelligence lets her keep up the skill points for anything that she wants to do as a Rogue while still getting quite a bit of power from spells as a Wizard.

  3. #3
    Community Member shadowowl's Avatar
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    the reflex save seems a little low for level 12 my level 10 rogue is at at that without any benifits of the pally add on. are you twf? how's your cha? pally will get a boost with cha to their reflex.

    i would have dumped wis in favor of cha for that build wis isn't overly helpfull anyway long as you have +10 spot item and max spot skill you should see all the trap warnings. a 8-10 wis is about as high as i would really go for a pally that is only ever going to be level 5-6. while the cha will help your reflex saves as well as other things such as umd.
    but that's just a minor thing sounds like your doing alright overall.

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