I have been playing for almost a month. I have tried several classes (in this order) ranger, rogue, sorcerer, wizard, paladin, cleric, cleric/fighter, and now the bard.
Oh, did I mention I get distracted easy. It is so bad my friends are running around enjoying their lvl 6 chars and I still don't have one over lvl 3. My ADHD is kicking my butt.
This weekend i tried a bard. Wow, I get to do all the things I love, act silly, heal myself and others, swing a great ax (masters touch), buff, haggle and make beautiful music. I lvl'd two to lvl 3 in no time (I have had lots and lots of practice with chars less than lvl 3, it is sad).
Have I found the class for me (jack of all trades and a master of none)? Please do not tell me I am going to have to try the favored soul.