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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Are Bards for the Attention Challenged?

    I have been playing for almost a month. I have tried several classes (in this order) ranger, rogue, sorcerer, wizard, paladin, cleric, cleric/fighter, and now the bard.

    Oh, did I mention I get distracted easy. It is so bad my friends are running around enjoying their lvl 6 chars and I still don't have one over lvl 3. My ADHD is kicking my butt.

    This weekend i tried a bard. Wow, I get to do all the things I love, act silly, heal myself and others, swing a great ax (masters touch), buff, haggle and make beautiful music. I lvl'd two to lvl 3 in no time (I have had lots and lots of practice with chars less than lvl 3, it is sad).

    Have I found the class for me (jack of all trades and a master of none)? Please do not tell me I am going to have to try the favored soul.

  2. #2
    Founder Gol's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by G1deon View Post
    Have I found the class for me (jack of all trades and a master of none)? Please do not tell me I am going to have to try the favored soul.
    Well, regarding Favored Soul, that's up to you.

    Otherwise, yes, Bards can be the "jack of all trades" characters. Splash Rogue 2, you're an excellent trap monkey. Splash Fighter 2 and take the right feats, you can DPS / Intimidate. Invest APs/Spells into healing and be a heal monkey. Do all 3 and you're there

  3. #3
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Dec 2006


    It is a great class, very flexible. You can put out respectable CC, minor healing (major if you spec for it), reasonable DPS (fairly significant if you spec for it), the only buffs in the game that can't be dispelled, by mid levels you will be able to UMD any cleric or arcane scroll or wand in the game, and of course the best haggle going so you will build up some cash. Every party can benefit from a bard.

    Enjoy, its a fun class to play

  4. #4
    Community Member Valindria's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    Out of what I have played, Bards are my favorite by far. Like others have mentioned since they can do a lot of things it changes depending on the mission and group setup. My favorite is when my group has a good healer or 2 then I just use buffs and melee like a mad man. At the same time if I am in a group with a less then stellar healer, it is nice to sit back and help out. While it is not my favorite, I would rather win the mission then wipe.

    I usually play a lot of alts in mmos, but for DDO I have spent the most time by far on my bard.

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