Quote Originally Posted by Brennie View Post
400 favor is easily achievable in the 5-7 range, as Tihocan said, but you should make sure you check your Quest Compendium (Book icon on your menu bar in game) and make sure all the lowbie quests are done on Elite. Fortunatly the Harbor and Korthos are pretty easy, even on Elite, and easier to get groups for, so this is almost a non-issue.

Word of Warning - Don't be fooled by Drow's shiny stat bonuses and unlockable status. Drows are honestly not all that good. The lack of Con really hurts them, and they lack any good enhancements that many other races get. Halflings typically outperform drow rogues, Warforged outperform drow wizards, Humans outperform drow sorcerors, and drow really aren't suited to any other class except paladin (Although they supposedly make good TWF paladins).
The very fact that Drow represent a race with Stat bonuses similar to a 32pt build makes them the cheapest way for new players to get a 32pt character, which makes the race Quite good for those players compared to the 28pt version of other races.

Drow make truly Excellent TWF paladins, they get improved damage with rapiers (which are the best one handed weapons for paladins for the synergy with critical Smites), they get Extra stats on both Dex and Cha and Paladins will always need to max Str while depending on several stats.

The lower Con doesn't even hurt the class all that much bc its such a Stat intensive class, bc they don't take as much damage as others throughout a good portion of the game, and they can self spot heal with LoH when in danger. TWF is the superior weapon style for Paladins because every single bonus to damage the class gets is Twice more effective with 2 weapons instead of 1.

So Drow too have their own niche.