Quote Originally Posted by Dafalgan View Post
Hello i'm currently following Warpriest of Siberys path as my first char ever on DDO .
I already got to level 3 with it but I'm wondering what 3 spells should i prepare and what should i use for just fighting and what enchantments to get (i'm a dwarf) i now its in the guide but i dont understand it fully
Thx in advance and gj with this guide
I would suggest to prepare Bless, Command, Nightshield.
Other potentially useful L1 spells at this level are Divine Favor, Nimbus of Light, Protection from Evil, Summon Monster I.
Fighting: find a greataxe and swing it. Or any other two-handed weapon really, it doesn't matter much at this level.
Enchantments: Assuming you mean enhancements here, pick those listed in the build. Click the link above the enhancement list if you need more information. If there is still something you don't understand, feel free to ask