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  1. #621
    Community Member
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    the list of wizard spells to choose as you level up is out of date. several key spells are missing such as masters touch and the new necromancy spells

    the wiki has a better list of spells you cant find in vendors:

    note that masters touch is only available in the portable hole, which is of no use to a newbie following the "grab a greataxe for korthos+harbour" advice.

    otherwise great work on the builds, i'm always sending newbies here A light RP guild that's moved from Keeper in Europe to Thelanis
    Play DDO in 3D, for fweeeee! how to use coloured 3D glasses with DDO.
    East? West? Which way's that? Putting East and West back on the (mini)map
    Tired of chasing blue dots? Find a speed or striding item, vets are hooked on them and you will be too!

  2. #622
    Community Member Tricks74's Avatar
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    Default Half orc and Half elf builds

    Are you planning on adding the new races to the existing builds?
    I have never been good at building characters. But, I have this posting linked and always send that to new players on Cannith looking for a good build resource.

  3. #623
    Stormreach Advisor

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tricks74 View Post
    Are you planning on adding the new races to the existing builds?
    I have never been good at building characters. But, I have this posting linked and always send that to new players on Cannith looking for a good build resource.
    Yes, no ETA though.

  4. #624
    Community Member jafafa's Avatar
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    Default Spell?

    Hey, im a lvl 5 AA elf (thanks for the guide by the way), and was just wondering what spell i should use, because there is only room for one.
    Where most DDO players get their names from....

  5. #625
    The Hatchery karl_k0ch's Avatar
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    Imho, the useful Level 1 Ranger spells are (in that order):
    Ram's Might (This spell gives +3 damage and +1 to hit. This bonus is huge.)
    Resist Energy (even if you have ship buffs, your party members may not.)
    Longstrider (only if there is no Haste Boost)
    Toons on Orien: Meinir // Flodur // Twiddler // Thorkar // Impetor // Juliacantor // Minor all Soko Irrlicht
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We may or may not intentionally insert in red herrings, purple mackerels, or horses of different colors. Void where prohibited. Not available in all planes of existence.

  6. #626
    Community Member jafafa's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Thanks!

    thank you. i usually choose rams might anyway.
    Where most DDO players get their names from....

  7. #627
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tricks74 View Post
    Are you planning on adding the new races to the existing builds?
    I have never been good at building characters. But, I have this posting linked and always send that to new players on Cannith looking for a good build resource.
    I have been using the half-elf with some of these builds at least, where i then just used the human stat and a combination of the elf and human enhancements, that one at least is not that bad and then the only place to think a bit myself was the dille... for the half-orc i not really made any chars where it would fit. I geuss im not just for the style of pure brute combat witch is what the half-orc is mostly for as i see it

  8. #628
    Community Member stille_nacht's Avatar
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    eh, i may be assuming a bit, but it seems to me that the ingenious sage build should go archmage, but that is not possible for the non human build, as it only as a bunch of spell focuses and no greater spell focus, id suggest replacing spell focus: evocation with greater spell focus: enchantment
    adversity is something we face every day - for a true test, give someone power

    Quote Originally Posted by stille_nacht View Post
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  9. #629
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    Quote Originally Posted by TehBeWop View Post
    Something I've found that is pretty dang new-player-friendly is a dragonmarked halfling in just about any role. You seriously should consider implementing that into some of your builds- I based a wizard build on your generalist archmage wizard, and I'm enjoying it quite a bit. I solo much better than most of the other characters I've built.
    I could mention it in some variants, yes. I'd rather not add them to my "main" builds though, because (1) I don't want to force new players to roll a dummy character first just to unlock dragonmarks, and (2) it's often difficult to find room for dragonmarks - Fighter & Wizard are pretty much the only classes that can fit them without losing too much... (and even then... I don't see how you could afford to remove 3 feats from my Ingenious Sage version).
    I'll take note of it, but it's probably something I'll think about in a very long time

  10. #630
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chronick View Post
    I am running your Tempest build. Is a AC of 38 at level 14 worthless? Should I just start wearing outfits? What ones do you consider most benificial?

    Thank you for your hard work and dedication to this thread!
    AC 38 at L14 isn't worthless yet, but as you move into Vale / Reaver's Refuge at L16+ it will be prettty soon and yes, that's when you can start wearing outfits.
    Most beneficial is typically dragontouched robe or outfit from Reaver's Refuge, but in the meantime, I often like to use some GFL or Heavy Fort robe (depending on other gear), with a fearsome / damage guard / deathblock prefix (depending on situation).

    Sorry for the late replies btw. Been on holidays and wasn't able to keep up with forums, just catching up now.

  11. #631
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dioflux View Post
    AT the moment I have like I said a lvl 2 ranger/lvl 1 fighter. I'm almost lvl 4. I'm using a 28pt human build. My start stats are STR 18 DEX 14 CON 14 INT 8 Wis 9 (IIRC) CHA 8. My selected feats are Dodge, Fav enemy (Giants), TWF defense, Weapon focus(slashing weapons) and Rapid shot. I do not use a bow and I am using full plate armor and Dual longswords. I have no idea if this a good build, but so far I have managed quite well.
    FoxCourier already gave you some great advice (thanks!), but I'd just want to mention your current build looks quite good and I don't see why you would want to reroll if you enjoy TWF.
    The only thing is you should respec your feats while it's cheap to do so (I'd suggest to look into the Tempest build in this thread for suggestion). Since you already splashed one level of Fighter, it wouldn't hurt to add another level of something else. The most popular option is Rogue for UMD mostly (also Open Lock and 1d6 sneak attack). Usually Rogue is taken at first level for extra skill points, but it's likely you can still manage to get viable skills by taking it at 4th or 5th level (you will lose a few skill points in the process, but it should still work).

  12. #632
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReaperAlexEU View Post
    the list of wizard spells to choose as you level up is out of date. several key spells are missing such as masters touch and the new necromancy spells

    the wiki has a better list of spells you cant find in vendors:

    note that masters touch is only available in the portable hole, which is of no use to a newbie following the "grab a greataxe for korthos+harbour" advice.

    otherwise great work on the builds, i'm always sending newbies here
    Thanks, you're right, I'll need to update this.

  13. #633
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    Quote Originally Posted by jafafa View Post
    Hey, im a lvl 5 AA elf (thanks for the guide by the way), and was just wondering what spell i should use, because there is only room for one.
    Personally I'd use Ram's Might, but if you're new to the game and can't afford wands, Resist Energy may work better for you until you can get 2 spells.

  14. #634
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    Quote Originally Posted by stille_nacht View Post
    eh, i may be assuming a bit, but it seems to me that the ingenious sage build should go archmage, but that is not possible for the non human build, as it only as a bunch of spell focuses and no greater spell focus, id suggest replacing spell focus: evocation with greater spell focus: enchantment
    Greater Spell Focus is only required for Archmage III+. You can still get Archmage I / II with only Spell Focus.

    I thought about this quite a bit and went with what seemed best for the spirit of the build, which is supposed to be a "generalist" caster. The problem with Archmage is higher tiers are really meant for more specialized casters, which IMO goes against the spirit of this build.
    However, I am open to suggestions if you guys think there are better options, but I'd need some detailed arguments on why they would be better (I don't really have time to re-think this again myself at this point; Archmage stuff is a bit complex...)

  15. #635
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    The best of the best DDO players generally overperform when given a real challenge
    Quote Originally Posted by Amundir View Post
    My words are great. Even out of context.

  16. #636
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Smile Thanks!

    First and foremost, thank you for this amazing resource! I have saved all of your builds to a file for re-reading later.

    I rolled your VW Fighter and WOW! I love him! I went human for the extra feat. I am looking forward to eventually rolling a couple more.

    Keep up the good work and I will subscribe to this post so I can get the new updates as you are able to post them.

    You rock!

  17. #637
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    Default Thanks

    I wanted to thank Tihocan for starting the Post, I have had an account since DDO started but i never got to play the game as my pc sucked so much. I also want to thank everyone who posted with their questions as i am pretty sure i would have asked the question myself sooner or later. I started playing the game about 3 Days ago it took me 2 days to decide on a build between Monk and Rogue since Sadly Samurai's are NEVER available in Most MMORPG's, and i effin HATE locked chest, doors, and not being able to disable traps; So i went with the Rogue build ( the rogue build without the splash ) I am now Level 3 rank 12 and instead of the dex i took the str variation since i am a Human Rogue and I LOVE IT lol. I never have problems with Traps or anything even on ELITE i havent tried EPIC yet so i will get back. But anyway I wanted to say The build works out perfectly and i barely ever get hit.. even by Red Names and i always ( about 90 percent ) get saved when i accidentally spring a trap for being careless. ( Still a little new ) The Damage output is great even if im not sneak attacking i still do within the top 3 damage and players with the most kills. Anyway the real reason for this post was to say thank you for the build its working out great and i will continue to have High hopes for it on my Journey to 20. Also if anyone could post a semi-Samurai build That i could try out. 28pt or 32pt (since their are no Samurai's) >< sigh Thanks in advance.

  18. #638
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bornafide View Post
    I wanted to thank Tihocan for starting the Post, I have had an account since DDO started but i never got to play the game as my pc sucked so much. I also want to thank everyone who posted with their questions as i am pretty sure i would have asked the question myself sooner or later. I started playing the game about 3 Days ago it took me 2 days to decide on a build between Monk and Rogue since Sadly Samurai's are NEVER available in Most MMORPG's, and i effin HATE locked chest, doors, and not being able to disable traps; So i went with the Rogue build ( the rogue build without the splash ) I am now Level 3 rank 12 and instead of the dex i took the str variation since i am a Human Rogue and I LOVE IT lol. I never have problems with Traps or anything even on ELITE i havent tried EPIC yet so i will get back. But anyway I wanted to say The build works out perfectly and i barely ever get hit.. even by Red Names and i always ( about 90 percent ) get saved when i accidentally spring a trap for being careless. ( Still a little new ) The Damage output is great even if im not sneak attacking i still do within the top 3 damage and players with the most kills. Anyway the real reason for this post was to say thank you for the build its working out great and i will continue to have High hopes for it on my Journey to 20. Also if anyone could post a semi-Samurai build That i could try out. 28pt or 32pt (since their are no Samurai's) >< sigh Thanks in advance.
    you wont be doing epics for a while since you need to be lvl
    to enter epic difficulties. :P
    beside not even all quest will have a epic difficulty even though it have a box for it on the diff selection screen (in fact it mostly raid that do)

    but yeah imo if i play rogue i prefer str as well, since they do deal great dmg even when not sneak attacking.

    and about never getting hit well around lvl 10-13 or so you will get hit alway anyway by mobs no matter what kind of light armor you use (and you don't want to use medium and heavy armor as rogue since it disables evasion) at which point most ppl will be using robes/outfits for the magical effects on them since you can swap those instantly instantly and thus quickly get the right one on as the situation changes (that point might come a bit earlier for a str based rogue than a dex based though as you loosing a few points in AC there, but it wont be a lot earlier though) that doesn't count for rogues only though that count for pretty much all builds that not made to be tanks

  19. #639
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Thumbs down Need Advice

    When I started DDO, I went a little nuts with alts. Now looking at them from a "can ________ make it to level 20?" point of view. Alts are 1/2 box, 1/2 custom. If it requires multiple feat exchanges, a complete enhancement re-spec, and they are still lacking, I figure they won't a/ Make it. b/ be any fun, and c/ be feasible. So the question is, so I delete, or just leave them where they are? Can I get all their gear to a viable alt on that server?

  20. #640
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lerl View Post
    When I started DDO, I went a little nuts with alts. Now looking at them from a "can ________ make it to level 20?" point of view. Alts are 1/2 box, 1/2 custom. If it requires multiple feat exchanges, a complete enhancement re-spec, and they are still lacking, I figure they won't a/ Make it. b/ be any fun, and c/ be feasible. So the question is, so I delete, or just leave them where they are? Can I get all their gear to a viable alt on that server?
    most if it likely.

    unbound items can be mailed, if you don't have a account warehouse (you get that "free" if you are VIP (subscription) or can be bought from DDOstore if you not)

    Items bound to account (written on one of the first lines in their description if they are bought to either account or char) though you need to have a account warehouse to transfer to other chars, can't NOT be mailed.

    Items bound to character CAN NOT in any way be transfered

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