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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Lvl 18 Assassin Feat Decision

    I have to level up to Lvl18 right now (just a few xp from the banking cap) and I am torn between which Lvl18 Feat to take. I need major help!

    Before I begin a quick question: I still have my FREE FEAT SWAP from Fred, so if I decide later on I want to change my decision here, can I use Fred's FREE FEAT SWAP to swap my Lvl18th Feat? if so, what else will it cost me?

    Originally I had planned to take Power Attack

    After having played through my rogue up to this point and watching my UMD develop slowly I am now thinking I may need to take Skill Focus: UMD +3

    My UMD right now at Lvl17 is 33 after Buffs

    20 Base
    +1 Voice of the Master
    +3 Charisma +6 item
    +3 Golden Cartouche
    +2 Skill Boost (5 per rest)
    +4 Greater Heroism

    Total 33

    After several calculations considering future gear I can see myself getting 45UMD at lvl20, without taking UMD Skill Focus, but that's a lot of grinding and a hell of a lot of swapping items on my toon, which isn't exactly handy for healing.

    What would you guys recommend? Should I be aiming for some special UMD Magic number, or just stick to what my Assassin Rogue was meant for - Killing NOT healing? (and use cure critical wounds potions)

    I have no experience with Power Attack, and it could be worse for me in end game content losing -5 To-Hit - I'm all ready noticing I'm MISSING a lot in Shavarath on HARD/ELITE settings. I am a dex based, finesse, TWF Rapier halfling rogue and will be taking Assassin III when I level up. Strength is 16. Dexterity is 31. Will be 32 or 34 at lvl20, depending on what I decide to do with my enhancements.

    right now I am thinking I should go with Power Attack as I will benefit from it right now more than UMD

    (I can break down my number crunching in a later post if anyone is interested, if it would help you understand my dilemma more - this post is all ready way too long)
    Last edited by eveilsor666; 02-22-2010 at 01:37 PM. Reason: I can't add up
    KHYBER | The Thousand Eyes
    Aginjai 20 Halfling Assassin Rogue | Eveilsor 20 Human Sorcerer | Hajazi 20 Halfling Monk
    Avairiel 20 Elven Arcane Archer/Bard | Zeitgeizt 20 Warforged Paladin | Fumpa 20 Dwarven Barbarian | Siellu 20 Human FvS

  2. #2
    Community Member D'rin's Avatar
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    I took power attack at 18 and it makes a huge differance in dps. Now I am going to switch it out at 19 when I take my monk lvl to have both skf umd and power attack. If you are staying pure you have to decide which is more important the utility of +3 to umd or the +5 damage on both hands.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    I was pretty settled on taking Power Attack until I just learned something through research.

    Scrolls of Heal (UMD40)

    So when I level up, I can take an extra 4 UMD and have a total of 37, meaning I only fail a HEAL scroll on a 2 or less, or take POWER ATTACK and fail on a 5 or less?

    I've been using a mixture of pots, and wands which are expensive and time consuming. The HEAL SCROLL seems more efficient though to me, unless I fail a lot.

    I can just run around with a stack of Cure Serious Wound Pots for dire situations and top ups, and Heal Scrolls for when I have time to UMD them.

    If I take Power Attack, I can make it a priority to get my Head of Good Fortune, Seven Fingered Gloves, and then to make a Charisma +6 Skills item from the Shroud.

    What would be the most likely thing I could get?

    +6 Cha Skills item sounds great but I want to make a Radiance Rapier first, but getting that without taking the feat would mean my UMD buffed would be a no-fail on a heal scroll.

    I am definitely pushing towards getting Power Attack the more I think about it because ultimately I WILL want it over UMD, so why bother taking UMD now?

    I thin kI just convinced myself. lol

    (btw I can take +1 UMD Rogue Skill instead of Defensive Roll at Lvl19 bonus feat brainer now)
    KHYBER | The Thousand Eyes
    Aginjai 20 Halfling Assassin Rogue | Eveilsor 20 Human Sorcerer | Hajazi 20 Halfling Monk
    Avairiel 20 Elven Arcane Archer/Bard | Zeitgeizt 20 Warforged Paladin | Fumpa 20 Dwarven Barbarian | Siellu 20 Human FvS

  4. #4
    Community Member D'rin's Avatar
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    Remember though while getting everything to craft the radiance you will get an abundance of smalls and mediums. You can craft a +3 cha skill item pretty quickly. That will also help with umding scrolls.

  5. #5
    Community Member Xeraphim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D'rin View Post
    Remember though while getting everything to craft the radiance you will get an abundance of smalls and mediums. You can craft a +3 cha skill item pretty quickly. That will also help with umding scrolls.
    Make it your HP item and serve two purposes with one

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xeraphim View Post
    Make it your HP item and serve two purposes with one
    I was planning this final set up though,

    Helm: Minos Legens
    Goggles: Tharne's Goggles
    Necklace: Smoke II (Air-Fire-Fire+Air) (+45 hp, +6 Exceptional Dex Skills, Displacement 2/day, Permanent Blur)
    Trinket: Bloodstone
    Cloak: Air II (Air-Air-Air) +6 Ex. Charisma skills
    Bracers: Tharnes Bracers
    Gloves: Seven Fingered Gloves
    Belt: Knost's Belt (Con+6, Greater False Life, Frenzied Berserker Bonus: +2 Damage)
    Ring 1: Encrusted Ring (Str+6, Ex Str +1, Ex Str+2 or Con+2)
    Ring 2: Int+6/Cha+6/ToD rings/Ring of Shadows
    Boots: Gyroscopic Boots
    Armor: Dragon Touched Robe (Resistances+5, +5 Protection, +4 AC Insight)

    Air II gives me loads of Spell Points I won't actually have. UMD will be no problem after making this item though. Will also give me Air Guard with either trip or Haste effect which would be nice.
    KHYBER | The Thousand Eyes
    Aginjai 20 Halfling Assassin Rogue | Eveilsor 20 Human Sorcerer | Hajazi 20 Halfling Monk
    Avairiel 20 Elven Arcane Archer/Bard | Zeitgeizt 20 Warforged Paladin | Fumpa 20 Dwarven Barbarian | Siellu 20 Human FvS

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