Has anyone noticed 20% + 20% does not equal 40%?
I have a capped human pally, with leviks bracer (20%) and 2 ranks of healing amp of from enhancements (20%).
My 1k heal hits me for 1440, which tells me it's
(1000*1.2)*1.2, for a total bonus of 44%. I'd be interested to see if healing amp on dt armor, or healing amp from the hunter of the dead line stacked in a similar way, giving a total greater than the sum of the parts.
If they are all added in separately, i think you could have:
10,15,20 dt and/or leviks
30 healing amp enhancement
30 HOTD enhancement
1k(heal)*1.3*1.3*1.2*1.15*1.1= 2565 ~could vary some depending on stacking order. Could even add in the paladin past life feat if you really want to go nuts.
256% healing sounds pretty sick. Not really practical, but interesting
Could probably raid tank with a few players clicking healing wands at you =)