Ok, Im a level 20 fvs, but was refused (in a polite way) joining an epic Von6 run because i did not have quicken. I have a self buffed concentration around 40. I guess with his global damage from wing buffs this is not enough?

Ok but the real question is maybe I should drop GTWF for quicken? Is GTWF that helpful.. I melee alot and dual scimitars is very fun. I can see real use for quicken.. would make mass heal actually usable, as well as BB much easier to cast... but what is the trade off if I drop GTWF?

My feats are: toughness, TWF, ITWF, GTWF, maximize, extend, Imporved critical: slash

I really don't want to drop extend, altough that is probably the logical choice?

What would i give up by dropping GTWF?