Not all intimatanks are equal... Some are much better than others....
Last night in a PuG ToD, I took my newly reincarnated Intimatank in, and was asked if I could main tank... I said, I think so, explained I just reincarnated him as a intim, and had most of the gear to do the job... I also made it very clear, that this would be my first attempt at Intimatanking in there... Since I was the most quailified for the job, I was main tank.... I didn't do a stellar job... Not horrible, but not Stellar.
Needless to say in Pt3 I had a really hard time keeping Horoths attention... After a few attempts, his aggro seemed to switch between myself and the other fighter (non-intim)... At this point I hear the other fighter say he's going to turn off power attack... This is WRONG to me on many levels....
I've heard this in other raids too, The intim asks everyone to turn off power attack...
My thoughts, if you can't hold aggro with everyones PA on, you shouldn't be tanking... When it became clear to me that the other fighter was holding his aggro much better with DPS, than I could with intim, I let him take over, (ok, not entirely my call, but I was all for it) switched back to DPS. We took him down quickly and easily after that....
If you go into something with a plan to do it one way, that is good, but if it isn't working, don't get upset or be ready to switch things around if needed...
Side Note: after running the ToD, I ran Bastion of power for blood, Intimatanked both end bosses, and had no issue with it... It was a lot of fun to see the marilith swinging all of her attacks and missing, or if she did hit, DR ment 0-3 pts of damage... that fight went much easier than past ones...