Hi all, I checked out the "Help! Am I Raid Ready?" guide and it's obviously useful, but doesn't answer all my questions. I'm currently a level 14 mechanic rogue and haven't yet been on a raid. I mainly play in a static group of myself and my friend who plays a cleric. We haven't tried any raids yet and probably wouldn't do too well because of our party dynamic/numbers.
I know I'm not the most useful raid class since I'm not an optimal DPS rogue, but I'd just like some general raid advice. Such as what kind/how many potions and scrolls should I bring? Where are the optimal places to get these potions/scrolls? Should I generally expect healers to heal me frequently, or should I expect to burn through all of my scrolls and not have much healer help? And other things I should know before I go into a raid. You know, general preparation kind of advice
Anyway, thanks in advance.