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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Feb 2010

    Default Lost Abilities/Penalties with Heavy Armor?

    I've been looking through the various help sites and I can't get a confirmed list of abilities/penalties a barbarian gets when wearing Heavy Armor.

    I took the feat and I'm using it, and I've heard you lose speed but I'm still the fastest player on the team usually.

    What penalties do you get when you have the Proficiency feat?

  2. #2
    Community Member Ambulance's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    There is absolutely NO reason you would want to use heavy armor on a barbarian..
    You don't need AC, really because you kill stuff before it hits you. And should you be hit after all, you have massive HP and DR
    just forget about AC.

    Moreover you are extremely short on feats as a barb already, so you should not even consider taking heavy armor. It's just wasted, you need all the DPS feats you can get (maybe one toughness if you're not going for stunning blow)
    Last edited by Ambulance; 02-21-2010 at 05:36 AM.
    ORIEN: Ambo

  3. #3
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Take ambulances advice and get rid of it.

    However to answer the literal question: There are no speed penalties (yet) .. Turbine could later implement the penalties as they did for med/heavy armor regarding evasion.

    All heavy armor does impose some siginificant penalties to all classes tho depending on its armor check value..
    Which gives -X to most movement based skills, and a double penalty to swim.

    See: Armor Check Penalty

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Grafficane View Post
    I've been looking through the various help sites and I can't get a confirmed list of abilities/penalties a barbarian gets when wearing Heavy Armor.

    I took the feat and I'm using it, and I've heard you lose speed but I'm still the fastest player on the team usually.

    What penalties do you get when you have the Proficiency feat?

    Forget your AC.

    Drop the Heavy Armor Feat - go DPS feats.

    Wear armour that causes damage. I love Guard Armor's. More DPS.

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