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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Default Looking for a Guild

    Hello all, I am relatively new to DDO and looking for a guild of people who are friendly towards newer players and don't mind answering questions from a complete DDO noob. I am not seeking a hard core, play 24/7 guild. I am just seeking a group of active mature people with a sense of humor that has no drama issues. I currently have a level 3 cleric on khyber but server is not an issue, I don't have any problems starting a new character on a different server if that is required for me to find what I am looking for. I am not asking for free hand me downs or anything, just people that don't mind helping out someone new to the game or answering questions.

  2. #2
    Community Member JustWinBaby's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Post The Seekers

    You're more than welcome to party with us, see if we're what you want, and join our guild. We're located on Ghallanda. My toons are Deltree and Obalasi. The other officers are Ilyanna, Llewndyn, Golgorath, Sudustress, and Kreaton. I will be on later this morning.

    Our only "rule" is that we like to 100% every quest. Other than that, we're happily recruiting.

  3. #3
    Community Member DarthSolace's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Smile Hello

    If you are looking for a Guild, I have one in sarlona if you want to make a new char. I am just starting the guild thing myself...Look for Ordachaosm he is my warforge. I am looking for warforges and any other char that are not if you play a cleric of fighter or Barbarian

    Hit me up we are called the Legion of Lettow


  4. #4
    Community Member nerdychaz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    “The Guild of Calamitous Intent” is a learning guild based on Cannith Server. Here you will find experienced players to help you learn the basics of the game as well as other low level players to group with. We often have events in game and contests on the forums for in game loot or Gold.

    As a learning guild we frown on zerging (running through a quest as fast as possible for loot). Instead we focus on teamwork and discovery. We will sometimes zerg ourselves when all players have played a quest a dozen times before and are just fishing for a specific reward such as repeatedly running “Durk’s Got a Secret” in search of the coveted Muckbane.

    We are a casual gamer based guild and do not usually roleplay, however you will find those among our ranks who do like to roleplay and will quest with you for roleplaying purposes. It is just not a focus of our guild.

    We are a guild that believes Real Life comes first and will understand if you cannot play for any reason. We have even put the quests on hold for diaper changes (Nappies for those of you in the UK)!

    We believe in growing through our players. Members who have been with us for over 30 days are given officership upon the member’s request. That way if you meet people who are interested in joining the guild you may invite them.

    We accept almost all applicants. We are an international guild accepting all players from all timezones as long as you meet the following requirements:

    18 years of age or older.
    Able to speak English functionally. (you do not need to be fluent, just able to communicate)
    You have read and understand our rules and will abide by them.
    A good sense of humor helps a lot!

    To apply, create an account on our forum site, read the rules, fill out the application, and post it in the applications board.

    Also, you may apply by copy/pasting the following application into an e-mail and sending it to

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___________

    Real First Name (or name to call you by)
    Usual Play Times:

    Character Name:
    Character Race:

    How long have you been playing?

    How did you find out about the Guild of Calamitous Intent?

    Why do you want to join our guild?

    What are your in game goals?

    Have you read and understand our policies listed in the Guild Law forum? (if you say no, you are not getting in and I hope you are not lying)

    What kind of MMORPG experience have you had?

    Do you play tabletop role playing games?

    Anything else you would like to add?

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _____________

    You will receive your guild invite in game either by a guild officer or in game mail. You will need to have made it past Korthos to recieve in game mail. If you receive your invite by in game mail, you will receive a guild sigil in your inbox. Detach it to your inventory, then double click it to activate.

    Guild Forums:
    Guild Blog:…mitous_intent/
    Guild Leadership: guildleadership@gmail.coms
    Member of The Guild of Calamitous Intent
    Cannith Server
    Main Toons: Skarro and Usko
    I maximize my strengths and buy bane weapons for my weaknesses.

  5. #5
    Community Member The_Metal_Monster's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Best guild i've ever been in + Perma-death=Awsome!
    Probably not as good as the above posters paragraph(s) but anyway if my (almost) math sounds good to you check this out
    Hope to run with you!!!
    Flazer of Ghallanda Lv 6 Drow Ranger Officer: PD Halls of Valhalla, Giantslayer of Ghallanda Lv 5 Warforged Fighter Leader: The Knights of The Forge

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