*About how much should I expect to pay for lighting split soarwood here and would any of you folk have any for sale? *
In game - Maack
*About how much should I expect to pay for lighting split soarwood here and would any of you folk have any for sale? *
In game - Maack
I generally see them go for between 50k and 100k plat. Seems high. But not a lot of people farm these anymore (which surprises me--new players could get rich farming Tangleroot and selling these).
INFERUS SUS Sorcs (Socky, Sockie, Socklin), Rogues (Sockpuppet, Sockum), Clerics (Sockington, Sockase), FVS (Sockle), Intim (Tubesocks), Bards (Sockdolenger, Sockish), Rangers (Sockin, Sockel), Wizzy (Sockut), Kensai (Sockt), Monk (Sockfist), Arty (Sockficer, Sockcraft)
It is a high price considering you need 4 of them for the ritual. They really are quite rare though.
My favorite place to farm Lightning Split Soarwood is the last step of the Co6 chain (Sorrowdusk Isle).
While it is the same map as the penultimate step in the chain, it lacks the massive swarm of mephits at the start making it much friendlier to farm.
All you will need is a bunch of hirelings - level 1 are fine. Make sure they are all different types. I would personally bring at least 6. The faster you are, the more you'll need, as each non-TP hireling has a 5 minute cooldown.
It's also recommended to have a medium collectables bag and the free small ingredients bag (the former far more than the latter due to the number of different collectables you can pull).
Make your way to the quest entrance. Kill anything that is bugging you around the zone-in as you won't ever allow the outer area to reset, you'll be popping back to it once a minute if not more.
Zone in for the first time. When you reach the main room with the shrine in the middle and left and right passages, head just a few steps into the left and loot the Alchemy Table. This is the one which can have Lightning Split Soarwood, infrequently. Then go back to the junction and down the center, past the shrine. When you're at the junction on the opposite side, turn to face the shrine and repeat the same few steps to your left to find a Bookcase. Looting this can provide Silver Flame Hymnals, infrequently.
Recall out, or if you happen to aggro the mobs there, kill them first, or just run to the exit.
Once you're outside, summon one of your hirelings, and immediately dismiss them. This resets the quest.
Zone in again - rinse and repeat, summoning a different hireling each time until the first cools down.
In an hour I usually pull 2-4 Lightning Split Soarwoods, 3-6 Silver Flame Hymnals, and on a good day a Medium Eberron Dragonshard Fragment too.
It's not the most engaging of tasks so it's something you can easily do in the background while you watch TV or are otherwise too occupied to run dungeons normally.
If I've done the whole chain once, any way to go back and just do the last one? If not, what's the best way to get to that step fast (who do I talk to again? Been a while)
(if I have to rerun the thing, hopefully I can restart co6 without doing grey moon?
Last edited by RS-Makk; 02-20-2010 at 04:48 PM.
Bruku just a few screens forward of where you zone in to Sorrowdusk Isle explorer area.
You need to reset the Cult of the Six chain (not Grey Moon Waning, which resets everything and causes you to need to do another 4 quests).
Then go and blitz the first 5 steps of Co6. It's boring but if you want to be able to open it by yourself, it can't be helped.
When you're on the final step just leave it open, don't complete it when you're done with the farming so you can come back later at any time.