I am a str based human and crafting my first gs khopesh. I am goin Rad II but the tier 1-3 dont offer much damage. Should I just add A/C to all tiers on this weapon?
I am a str based human and crafting my first gs khopesh. I am goin Rad II but the tier 1-3 dont offer much damage. Should I just add A/C to all tiers on this weapon?
the acs wont stack
your a str based rogue so you want to deal damage
go holy, flaming burst, xxxx
the xxx depends cause blast usualy sucks. if your ac is high enough to matter (60+) then go ac+4, if youre an assasin you also can go int+2 to boost your assasinate dc abit
0Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
*insert axe*
o o
For Radiance, have to go Fire,Pos, then Fire-Pos, holy is not an option. And for Ac, tier on is +1 insight, tier 2 is +2 insight, and tier 3 is +4 insight so they should stack
Your information is flawed. Radience can be holy/flaming burst/fire effect, or flaming/good burst/fire effect.
My rogue has holy/flaming burst/+4 ac and a holy/flaming burst/+2 dex.
Edit: Insight ac's do NOT stack. Only the highest applies. The only type of AC that stacks is dodge, and that only stacks if it is from sources with different bonuses (+2 dodge from chaosguard stacks with +4 dodge from icy raiment, but +3 chattering ring dodge does not stack with +3 dodge on the DT armour).
Star Firefall
20 Rogue Assasin
Currently on life 42 of 42 (Final Life!)
radiance is fire and pos, order doesnt matter
you can go pos-fire or fire-pos
and insight doesnt stack, only dodge does (did you even read my entire first post?)
0Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
*insert axe*
o o
No you don't. You can go Pos Fire.
No they don't stack. The same type of bonus do not stack, unless it's Dodge or Circumstance type bonuses.
Various hedge-wizards and halfwits, please see MyDDO for all your squelching needs
Lyrandar 2006 - Devourer 2007 - Thelanis 2009 - Ghallanda 2010
Ok, thank you all for the information
its kind of a choice thing. before they made the portals in the shroud lawful evil (they were lawful neutral), fire/good burst made more sense because it hit more things. now, its just as easy to go holy/flaming burst and be done with it.
as for the 3rd tier, all the choices are meh unless you have some decent ac.
the blast because its fire and almost everything has fire resist. it provides you with an additional 2d10 on crits and a 4d6 on a natural 20. of course, if its a sneak, you also vorpal on that 20.
+2 int - good for assassinate, but honestly the addition of the vorpal sneak kind of made this one useless unless you are really twitchy.
+2 dex/+4 insight - ac
15% fire absorb - given the propensity towards fire ellies this might have some value
i know why they didn't make it to where you could have a positive on it at tier 3 but i really wish they'd at least consider a mechanic whereby a non-dominant shard could take precedence (maybe 2 of the non-dominant shards with 1 of the dominant) and then healing amp 20% would open up.
"I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674
On my strength based rogue I made a Radiance II scimitar with Good Burst, 6 intelligence, and +4 Insight AC. In hindsight, I would like to replace the +4 AC with +2 exceptional Intelligence, since my AC isn't ever high enough to matter anyway.
You should really make a schimitar or rapier depending on what improved critical feat you have. The blindness procs on a crit and you want as many crits as possible. The result is that a khopesh will actually do less dammage.
Yep. If I went fully for AC, I'd be lucky to hit a 60 with raid buffs, which is pretty poor. And I'd have to sacrifice a lot of itemization to do that. I'd rather have a slot for a greensteel HP item and one or two radiance guard items. It's kinda ironic that my rogue kills stuff even faster because he's getting hit. >=)