We are back...
Founders, officers and core members from all the way back in 2006 have arrived. Members from the old team have reunited and a core is formed.
Now we need you, to flesh out the raiding force. That depends on if YOU are worth your salt. What we need are players dedicated to their craft, game knowledge, quest knowledge and ever improving playstyle. We can take someone new to the game if they are hungry and self motivated.
What we do not need: Drama Queens, Loot *****s, Casual (Dive into Danger) Players, thin skinned, politically correct, roleplayers, 85 year old table top players who want to move at the speed of turtles fornicating, raid flagged aversion players, never available to play, or can only play when your spouse allows you too...
You get the drift.
What we can offer: Increased vocabulary, memorable conversations, pride in your tag, daily laughter, turtle porn, game advice and builds, chances to contribute and lead and Epic Kills.
Oh...and groupies.
If you are interested and think you have what it takes to be a good addition contact:
Eryl, Moretoth or Masq in game.