Don't know how to post this, so I am just going to put what I have.
Aeronael Belora
Class: Fighter (Custom)
Race: Halfling
Lawful Good
Base Stats:
Str: 14
Dex: 17
Con: 14
Int: 12
Wis: 8
Cha: 8
Exotic Weapon: Rapid Reload
Extra Fighter: Heavy Repeater
Lvl 2: Point Blank Shot
Lvl 3: Rapid Shot
Lvl 4: Weapon Focus: Ranged
(Stat: Strength)
Lvl 6: Weapon Specialization: Ranged
Class: Precise Shot
Level 1.
Fighter Attack Boost I (1pt)
Fighter Crit I (1pt)
Figher Sunder I (1pt)
Halfling Luck (Will) I (1pt)
Level 2.
Fighter Jump I (1pt)
Fighter Strength I (2pt)
Fighter Swim I (1pt)
Level 3.
Fighter Flanking I (2 pt.)
Halfling Dexterity (2 pt.)
Level 4.
Fighter Crit II (2 pt.)
Fighter Attack Boost (2 pt.)
Level 5
Save for Fighter Kinsei
Lvl 6-7
Fighter Kensei I (4 pt.)
Planning to take Kensei Repeating Heavy Crossbow Master I (1 pt.) next.
I know this is not to level 20. I know most Builds that are posted are made to level 20. I did not go to level 20 for quite a few reasons.
First, despite how simple and easy someone may say this is, and possibly ridicule me for not knowing it, not one person would give me a RESOLUTE (As in they are Positive) answer.::: Does the Bow strength feat effect Heavy Repeating Crossbows.
Second, does the feat Rapid Shot work for XBows. I know it says Ranged weapons, but... still unsure.
Third, IF Rapid Shot works, will it and Rapid Reload stack?
I plan on making a Build to 20, but I would like/enjoy feedback on what I have so far before going any further. The character planner is there to plan out your build, but what good is it if one messes up there too, eh?