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  1. #1
    Community Member Scythera's Avatar
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    Default Heavy Repeater Build Help.

    Don't know how to post this, so I am just going to put what I have.

    Aeronael Belora
    Class: Fighter (Custom)
    Race: Halfling
    Lawful Good
    Base Stats:
    Str: 14
    Dex: 17
    Con: 14
    Int: 12
    Wis: 8
    Cha: 8

    Exotic Weapon: Rapid Reload
    Extra Fighter: Heavy Repeater
    Lvl 2: Point Blank Shot
    Lvl 3: Rapid Shot
    Lvl 4: Weapon Focus: Ranged
    (Stat: Strength)
    Lvl 6: Weapon Specialization: Ranged
    Class: Precise Shot

    Level 1.
    Fighter Attack Boost I (1pt)
    Fighter Crit I (1pt)
    Figher Sunder I (1pt)
    Halfling Luck (Will) I (1pt)
    Level 2.
    Fighter Jump I (1pt)
    Fighter Strength I (2pt)
    Fighter Swim I (1pt)
    Level 3.
    Fighter Flanking I (2 pt.)
    Halfling Dexterity (2 pt.)
    Level 4.
    Fighter Crit II (2 pt.)
    Fighter Attack Boost (2 pt.)
    Level 5
    Save for Fighter Kinsei
    Lvl 6-7
    Fighter Kensei I (4 pt.)
    Planning to take Kensei Repeating Heavy Crossbow Master I (1 pt.) next.

    I know this is not to level 20. I know most Builds that are posted are made to level 20. I did not go to level 20 for quite a few reasons.
    First, despite how simple and easy someone may say this is, and possibly ridicule me for not knowing it, not one person would give me a RESOLUTE (As in they are Positive) answer.::: Does the Bow strength feat effect Heavy Repeating Crossbows.
    Second, does the feat Rapid Shot work for XBows. I know it says Ranged weapons, but... still unsure.
    Third, IF Rapid Shot works, will it and Rapid Reload stack?

    I plan on making a Build to 20, but I would like/enjoy feedback on what I have so far before going any further. The character planner is there to plan out your build, but what good is it if one messes up there too, eh?

  2. #2
    Community Member AylinIsAwesome's Avatar
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    Rapid Shot and Rapid Reload will stack multiplicatively (I believe) for repeating crossbows.

    Bow Strength, on the other hand, does not work with them.

    Just know that if you plan on making a repeating crossbow toon, that after around level 7 the only thing you'll be able to do with it is debuff mobs with a paralyzing or cursespewing crossbow, since your damage won't be high enough to keep up.

  3. #3
    Community Member Scythera's Avatar
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    O_O WHAT?! What the hell are you talking about?! Not be able to keep up?! This thing does massive Damage! I have seen lvl 20 Builds with this as the focus of the toon!!! >.> T.T Don't kill my spirit here.

    Are you POSSITIVE of that?

  4. #4
    Community Member Ninetoes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scythera View Post
    O_O WHAT?! What the hell are you talking about?! Not be able to keep up?! This thing does massive Damage! I have seen lvl 20 Builds with this as the focus of the toon!!! >.> T.T Don't kill my spirit here.

    Are you POSSITIVE of that?
    100% positive, actually. Ranged Attack Speed has been broken for a long, long time. There's no way you'd be able to keep up, especially with an Xbow. Yes, even a repeater.

    Will it be fun? Probably. But you're not going to be able to do a whole lot aside from what Aylin already told you, and you better be prepared to get a lot of heat for being Xbow focused in pugs. When Deepwoods Sniper gets released, we all may be singing a different tune, however, Since Arcane Archer doesn't affect xbow bolts, the only viable way to make ranged DPS marginally effective is closed to you.

    I'm not telling you to not attempt it. I'll applaud anyone who tries difficult builds, and would never kick you out of a group for being different. I am, however, worried that your experience will not be a good one. My primary concern is that people have fun and enjoy this game.

    Edit: I've done a similar build in a Pen and Paper build and it was a ton of fun. It just doesn't translate to DDO.
    Quote Originally Posted by Uskathoth View Post
    As opposed to the very sensible killing of hobgoblins and magical wizards. In Pretend-Land.

  5. #5
    Community Member Scythera's Avatar
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    Oi, thats bullocks to mother right there. But, as far as damage goes, I'm kind of used to that, having a Pure Bred Monkey as me main. I mean, sure, he is the best at traps at his level, so he brings something to the table.

    But as for the fighter, I am greatly disappointed. I don't understand how thats possible. I mean, even now, he destroys all in groups. The killcharts on the Exp panel are lopsided Greatly in my favor. I just don't get how that would work. As well, if that is the real case, is there a way to use this now, and still have another use when it starts to fall behind? Because I just found out today that Multi-shot didn't effect XBows, and then had to waste my "Lockania" free feat change to get rid of it.

  6. #6
    Community Member Scythera's Avatar
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    Err... btw. Pugs?

  7. #7
    Community Member Ninetoes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scythera View Post
    Oi, thats bullocks to mother right there. But, as far as damage goes, I'm kind of used to that, having a Pure Bred Monkey as me main. I mean, sure, he is the best at traps at his level, so he brings something to the table.

    But as for the fighter, I am greatly disappointed. I don't understand how thats possible. I mean, even now, he destroys all in groups. The killcharts on the Exp panel are lopsided Greatly in my favor. I just don't get how that would work. As well, if that is the real case, is there a way to use this now, and still have another use when it starts to fall behind? Because I just found out today that Multi-shot didn't effect XBows, and then had to waste my "Lockania" free feat change to get rid of it.
    You mean, you've already built this? Hrm.

    The short answer is: No, I don't think so. You need to invest so heavily in feats and attributes that you'd have very little use later on. You could feasibly completely respec at mid-game and go a dual-wield route. Unlike rogue, your only real function is Damage, and tanking, and to do the later you need to be able to do the former. You're not going to be able to do either as a crossbow spec'd fighter.

    I'd love for anyone to be able to correct me, if I've missed something.

    If you did build this out, and are in the low ranges of leveling, everything has stupidly low ammounts of hitpoints. However, your damage is never going to scale up with the enemie's health.

    Also: Pug=Pick Up Groups.
    Quote Originally Posted by Uskathoth View Post
    As opposed to the very sensible killing of hobgoblins and magical wizards. In Pretend-Land.

  8. #8
    Community Member Scythera's Avatar
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    Yes yes, I had been using it from lvl 4 (Vet build) Normally, what I will do, when using new styles and such, I take the character to lvl 5. If I do not drop it there, I take it to lvl 10.
    At first I was always worried about builds, but, having play for 2 months, and having gotten my main to lvl 14 (My main NOW. Not my first character) I see as I do it more and more, the first 10 lvls, (Or 6 for me) go by fast now. I REALLY hope this little Range "bug" won't effect my Arcane Ranger. If it does, Turbine and I will have a little talk. I have already been thinking about introducing different ideas to Turbine, but... thats another matter.

    So. In your best oppinion, what do you think I should do from here.... if anything other than deletion?

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