I am starting this thread for those who have questions about Az Inc. the guild or Az Inc. Stock Exchange Program. I will try to anwer any question you have about the guild or purchasing stock.
Az Inc. (Azmedian Incorporated) is a open guild for the people. There are no requirements to join, just say yes to the invite. In the begining I made everyone an officer so they could easily invite there friends to the guild without haveing to wait for a officer to be onlune. But do to the abuse of the Guild Message. I had to put a stop to that.
I also put a temperary hold on booting inactive players after 1 month. All active members are grandfathered in as officers & new members with not automaticly be promoted until reaching 10th level
Upon reaching 10th lvl members will be promoted to officer. As an officer they are allowed to invite anyone they wish as a member, if such player is 10th or above they will be promoted to officer.
Az Inc. the Stock Exchange:
I guess i should start at the beginning. . . .
Az Inc. first appeared in Ultima Online Atlantic Shard, in the late 90's I forget the year I started. If anyone remembers UO b4 it became wusified, there was fulltime pvp your only safe haven was in towns, outside of town you were on your own, fodder, players would run in packs attacking each other & raiding the gatherers for crafting goods. In UO if you died your body could be looted. My friend turned me onto the game after it was out for a while so there were plenty of higher lvl players than me. I started as a Miner/Fighter I would spend hours diging ore & smelting it into ingits only to have 1 stronger player or a squad of them come by & strong-arm me for my stuff or just outright kill me & loot me body. I couldnt get ahead I was down to scrounging for shovels because I was Broke from getting killed every 2 hours. I needed money to get better equipment & supplies so i could defend myself, I wasnt up for begging so what I did was start Az Inc. (Azmedian Incorporated). I didnt beg for gold like hundreds of others. What i did was sell you a share of all my future profits after all if it wasnt for them I'd still be broke & getting killed left & right. Since they helped me in the begining they deserve to share in my success. so I gave them a share of my treasury. It was a small core of investers 8 In the begining. I forget the amounts but they each gave me at least a few thousand gold, & expected nothing in return. I wrote down there names & then from then on when ever i would see them i would give them an update on how I was & gave them a % of my gold based on how much they gave me. Thus when I started playing here & seen the crazy AH prices. I decided to start Az Inc. again the whole process has been modified to its preasent state & working well.
The months of Nov 09 - Jan 10, saw a 30-33% profit per month. This month is slow do to RL schedual. 3-5% profit this month.
Az Inc. has over 6.9 Million Gold in its Treasury & over 500,000 Shares sold to the public Both the price of stock & a list of Shareholders are in the Information Section of The Official Webpage.
Those interested Search : DDO, Thelanis, Az Inc. on Guildportal.com
Thank You for you time & interest.
Azmedian CEO, Az Inc.