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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Could use some advice

    I just joined the game not long ago, currently I have a level 5 bard, and I am enjoying it. But I am in need of some advice, that I am having a hard time finding on this board.

    I am playing the game almost entirely with my friend, whom is playing a Monk, neither of us are much into "End-Game" or raids. So, it will pretty much just be the two of us for my entire bards play time... though we will group up with others at times.

    Now, It seems that most of what I can find on these boards is for "End Game" and Raids I am a bit confused at what kind of build I should go for, because I don't know what to expect later. Right now I am playing as Crowd Control and Healer for the monk, and have been using bows, to stay out of melee range.

    I can't decide if I should go for a Spellsinger or Virtuoso build, which do you think would work best for my purposes?

    Currently my build looks like this:

    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.18
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    Level 5 True Neutral Human Male
    (5 Bard) 
    Hit Points: 77
    Spell Points: 260 
    BAB: 3\3
    Fortitude: 3
    Reflex: 7
    Will: 3
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
    Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
    (32 Point)       (Level 1)             (Level 5)
    Strength              8                     8
    Dexterity            16                    16
    Constitution         14                    14
    Intelligence          8                     8
    Wisdom                8                     8
    Charisma             18                    21
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                     Base Skills         Modified Skills
    Skills           (Level 1)            (Level 5)
    Balance               3                     3
    Bluff                 4                     5
    Concentration         2                     4
    Diplomacy             8                    12
    Haggle                8                    12
    Heal                 -1                    -1
    Hide                  3                     3
    Intimidate            4                     5
    Jump                 -1                     2
    Listen                3                     6
    Perform               8                    13
    Tumble                7                    11
    Use Magic Device      8                    13
    Level 1 (Bard)
    Feat: (Selected) Spell Focus: Enchantment
    Feat: (Human Bonus) Toughness
    Spell (1): Hypnotism
    Enhancement: Bard Concentration I
    Enhancement: Bard Song Magic I
    Enhancement: Bard Energy of the Music I
    Enhancement: Bard Wand Mastery I
    Level 2 (Bard)
    Spell (1): Charm Person
    Enhancement: Bard Inspired Damage I
    Enhancement: Bard Lingering Song I
    Enhancement: Bard Charisma I
    Level 3 (Bard)
    Feat: (Selected) Extend Spell
    Spell (1): Expeditious Retreat
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
    Enhancement: Bard Lyric of Song I
    Level 4 (Bard)
    Spell (2): Cure Moderate Wounds
    Spell (2): Soundburst
    Enhancement: Bard Concentration II
    Enhancement: Bard Song Magic II
    Level 5 (Bard)
    Spell (1): Otto's Resistable Dance
    Spell (2): Blur
    Enhancement: Human Adaptability Charisma I
    Enhancement: Bard Improved Spell Penetration I
    Enhancement: Bard Energy of the Music II
    So obviously I have been working towards Spellsinger, but afraid I might be better off going Virtuoso. Advice me plox!
    Last edited by kennyb0713; 02-18-2010 at 06:07 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Nov 2009


    For me they play differently, and I'd build them differently. With what you rolled up, I'd go Spellsinger. My brother plays Monk and I have a CC focused Wizard and it works out well.

    Regardless of what you decide, I'd grab Empower Healing, and between that and Heal scrolls you'll be a great asset to your friend or even groups you join, as a possible main healer. Spellsinger will give you the extra SP and the 10% reduction in costs, not to mention better potency at controlling crowds.

    Monks are very survivable and have great saves. Your buffs will turn your friend into a machine.

    I'd also dump at least 10 points into Jump.

    I'd be VERY curious to know if his Align the Heavens 25% buff stacks with your 10% buff as a SS. Please, if by some chance you go SS and remember this thread, send me a PM and let me know.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braed
    Regardless of what you decide, I'd grab Empower Healing, and between that and Heal scrolls you'll be a great asset to your friend or even groups you join, as a possible main healer. Spellsinger will give you the extra SP and the 10% reduction in costs, not to mention better potency at controlling crowds.
    I was thinking about Empower Healing.... do you think Extend Spell is a must for my situation? Also I was afraid that the spellsinger reductions would be a bit wasted for only me since my friend doesn't have SP...

    Quote Originally Posted by Braed
    I'd also dump at least 10 points into Jump.
    I decided to do that after I realized how pointless listen is, since my friend already has it too...

    Quote Originally Posted by Braed
    I'd be VERY curious to know if his Align the Heavens 25% buff stacks with your 10% buff as a SS. Please, if by some chance you go SS and remember this thread, send me a PM and let me know.
    I am not sure what that is... but I will ask him about it, haha.

    Also, I am not sure what type of bow to use, I have been using a crossbow, but I hardly do any damage, and it's so slow, should I go for rapid reload and repeaters? Or should I just focus on support? Not sure what to do here.
    Last edited by kennyb0713; 02-18-2010 at 05:49 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member augie's Avatar
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    Align the Heavens and Spellsinger songs do stack. Just that AtH only lasts a minute and is tedious trying to have running on a regular basis.

    Keep extend. You're in the Haste/Displace phase and being able to cast those on an extended basis will keep you and your buddy out of harm's way.

    As far as the bow vs. repeater dilemma, repeater will cost you a feat for proficiency, but will dish out more damage at the level range you're at. However good ones are very hard to find, unless you cough out serious cash on the AH. As you level up higher, the damage they dish out (compared to most other weapons) becomes pretty bleak. At that point, you'd be better served going with stat damaging weapons such as weakening, wounding or even cursespewing repeaters, if you can find them.

    For what it's worth, with the stats you have and if it's just you and your buddy questing (for the most part), my recommendation would be to start focusing on crowd control and buffs and phase out of attacking. Hypnotism, fascinate and soundburst are fantastic spells that will stop mobs in their tracks and your attacks would snap them out of their trances. Your songs, heroism, haste, blur/displacement will make your buddy a killin machine.

    Play it however it's most fun for ya though. Just tossin out ideas.
    Elite Raiders and Twilight Alliance guilds
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  5. #5
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    Augie is giving you some great advice. If I were doing Spellsinger for CC, my top four would be in no particular order...

    Spell Focus Enchantment
    Greater Spell Focus Enchantment
    Spell Penetration

    I'd have to toss in Empower Healing, Greater Spell Penetration and probably Toughness to round it out. If Human, you'd have an extra feat. I have another thread dedicated to Extend and my thoughts on it. I will say you aren't going to hurt yourself or do any harm by taking it.

    Augie, thanks for the information on AtH. My brother uses it on my Wizard and I'm always nagging him for it. He'll use it after a shrine before I buff the group for great effect, before a rough fight, or when I start running a little low on power. It is a pain for him to keep up regularly, though.

  6. #6
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    For what it's worth, with the stats you have and if it's just you and your buddy questing (for the most part), my recommendation would be to start focusing on crowd control and buffs and phase out of attacking. Hypnotism, fascinate and soundburst are fantastic spells that will stop mobs in their tracks and your attacks would snap them out of their trances. Your songs, heroism, haste, blur/displacement will make your buddy a killin machine.
    I just don't want to stand around doing nothing in between healing and buffing, but the delay on bows makes it hard to get an emergency heal or CC in at times.

  7. #7
    Community Member Gorbadoc's Avatar
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    Virtuoso. Get Skill Focus: Perform, take Virtuoso and Music of the Dead at 6, and don't look back until you're about to hit level 15.

    Enthrallment alone will save you more than 10% spell points by virtue of the extra attacks you can make before monsters start swinging back. Then there are your extra songs. Then there's the fact that your Enthrallment/Music of the Dead/Music of Makers will have more reliable DCs. Then there's the fact that you can get Music of the Dead several levels earlier than you could otherwise. Then there's the fact that some of the Spellsinger prerequisites are lousy at low levels, and you have much better investments for your APs.

    Also, take Invisibility already. Fascinate (etc.) don't break invisibility.

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