So I rolled a rogue/wiz, took the first level rogue, taking the next 7 levels wiz, and then dipping back into rogue for one more level at that point, then back to wiz. Went human, so with my int I'll have 14 points to spend. 3 go to DD, Search and UMD, but after that I'm stuck. I'm thinking I should put most of the points into a single skill, to maximize the points.
Does it make sense to raise lockpicking, are door DC's like the Tear, or like everything else?
Haggle would be nice, I've been holding off on inscribing some stuff with the idea I might raise it.
Also balance, it's a class skill for Rogues, but I'm never gonna get it up to that crazy high WF titan dc, so will I get some benefit from a lower level of balance?
Diplomacy seems like it might do me some good, except when the melee's are too dumb to fight in wall of fire, so have people had luck with that?