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  1. #1
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    Default What DDO needs (imo) -

    The most urgent features I think DDO should adopt and develop are -

    More starting areas - Every character we make go through the same adventures, adding some variation right at the start of the game after the character is created will draw more players to the game.

    More feats and skill uses (from supplementery books) - Feats are the core of the game and what makes it so unique among the many MMOs, DDO should preserve this feature and make it strive, to do so DDO should reach out of the PHB because there are hundreds of feats out there. between you and me after you buy supplement books you barely look at the feats from the PHB

    Basic races - The gnome, Half orc and tiefling are in my opinion the basic races in Ebberon and we should at least get to play them before going into more complicated features.

    Less urgent features I think DDO should implent in the future are -

    Prestige Classes - They are a foundamental part of any DnD campaign and so should they be in DDO.

    Class' and Class Abilities' Variants - Let's be honest, we don't like the idea of every class as initially presented and we welcome variants very much for the diversity they put in our game, every DnD player will agree that variants are helpful and are not unsavoury.

    More non-monstrous races and more classes - Altough the basic races are much more important and we have many classes, having more variety at character creation is what makes a game shine.
    (I would not object to playing a scout or a druid)

    Ideas for the far future (a.k.a jsut being optimistic about the promising future of DDO) -

    The Evil allignment - Yes, it is DnD after all, and like DnD (well unlike what the PHB presents us with that is) we should be able to play the evil doers once in a while, altough such mechanic should prove hard to achieve because both reward and concept of such a player's agenda and gameplay should be precalculated and developed and such a thing is hard to make. I am sure its not simple to implent such a thing into an ongoing MMORPG but to think of the impact such an update would have on the game is no doubt Good.

    Players actions affecting the world - While such a feature is hardly an idea a mere player could have the nerve to ask about (nor suggest) I think it is worth mentioning, also this feature is said to be implented in another MMORPG and it is thrilling thing to say the least.

    One time events and Artifacts - Are an amazing thing of legend to be told and to be sought and maybe even.. to be shuffled...? O.o

    Sub and Monstrous races - While the need for mostrous races is debatable, sub races' are not, sub races are a fantastic thing, and im sure that if such a feature would be implented I forsee we would have an entire game "reroll".

    I would like to point out this is my list of ideas and everything written here is my (sincere) own opinion.

    Last edited by bv1771; 02-18-2010 at 10:48 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Khorban's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bv1771 View Post
    The most urgent features I think DDO should adopt and develop are -

    More starting areas - Every character we make go through the same adventures, adding some variation right at the start of the game after the character is created will draw more players to the game.
    Well, tbh, if you are trying to draw new players - the current starting area is new to them. It's a tutorial area that, with the inclusion of Vet Status + finishing the tutorial once per server, we are able to 'Skip' when making a new character.

    A variation of the start area won't draw new players because well, they don't know what the start area looks like anyway. It could, however, create a different experience for those of us already in-game .... who haven't already hit Vet Status and stopped looking back.

    More feats and skill uses (from supplementery books) - Feats are the core of the game and what makes it so unique among the many MMOs, DDO should preserve this feature and make it strive, to do so DDO should reach out of the PHB because there are hundreds of feats out there. between you and me after you buy supplement books you barely look at the feats from the PHB
    DDO is based on 3.5 Ruleset

    Basic races - The gnome, Half orc and tiefling are in my opinion the basic races in Ebberon and we should at least get to play them before going into more complicated features.
    In time. One could argue - it should have been there to start. True. But if the Races are there and there is no content - then what's the point? I used to say that when it came out originally - it should have been level 20 cap - just like PHB. After playing, there was no level 20 content. Give and take.

    Less urgent features I think DDO should implent in the future are -

    Prestige Classes - They are a foundamental part of any DnD campaign and so should they be in DDO.
    Is this an old post you wrote and just now posting? Update 3 has already started adding these. Again - it takes time to translate the PHB into a 3d model with scripting.

    Class' and Class Abilities' Variants - Let's be honest, we don't like the idea of every class as initially presented and we welcome variants very much for the diversity they put in our game, every DnD player will agree that variants are helpful and are not unsavoury.
    ummm....what? I don't quite understand what you mean. A cleric is meant to heal and a rogue is trained for stealth attack and trapsmith. While it is possible to change these roles as the character levels - are you saying to give them this ability from creation? ummm.... No?

    More non-monstrous races and more classes - Altough the basic races are much more important and we have many classes, having more variety at character creation is what makes a game shine.
    (I would not object to playing a scout or a druid)
    Check older suggestions - Druid has been suggested many, many, many times. Not that you're wrong for stating it - just know - they've been asking for it since *I* started.

    Ideas for the far future (a.k.a jsut being optimistic about the promising future of DDO) -

    The Evil allignment - Yes, it is DnD after all, and like DnD (well unlike what the PHB presents us with that is) we should be able to play the evil doers once in a while, altough such mechanic should prove hard to achieve because both reward and concept of such a player's agenda and gameplay should be precalculated and developed and such a thing is hard to make. I am sure its not simple to implent such a thing into an ongoing MMORPG but to think of the impact such an update would have on the game is no doubt Good.
    Chaotic Evil. The issue with alignment is that only weapons are affected. Alignment should affect NPC and other situations...... again - this dynamic takes time. But, Chaotic Evil exists per the correct Class.

    Players actions affecting the world - While such a feature is hardly an idea a mere player could have the nerve to ask about (nor suggest) I think it is worth mentioning, also this feature is said to be implented in another MMORPG and it is thrilling thing to say the least.
    Dynamics - take time. The other games (Fable, for instance) designed the game from the ground up around this principle. Making a round-table such as D&D and having the NPC give us that 'old school DM' flavor - takes.... time.

    One time events and Artifacts - Are an amazing thing of legend to be told and to be sought and maybe even.. to be shuffled...? O.o
    Such as? I don't really know how that would change how we farm now. Even if a one time event, we have multiple chars that will do it until they get it. Doing it once - missing it - unable to do it again..... I can see the flames now.

    Sub and Monstrous races - While the need for mostrous races is debatable, sub races' are not, sub races are a fantastic thing, and im sure that if such a feature would be implented I forsee we would have an entire game "reroll".
    Kinda like... WoW?

    I would like to point out this is my list of ideas and everything written here is my (sincere) own opinion.

    Absolutely. I don't bash folk for their opinions. Some things I like, some I don't. We are all the same in that fashion. Some of your thoughts have been previously suggested - so maybe in time. I would like to see alot of the stuff myself --- just don't expect it in Update 5.
    I am who I am...I do what I do

    DDO....What's in YOUR Startup Menu?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khorban View Post
    Well, tbh, if you are trying to draw new players - the current starting area is new to them. It's a tutorial area that, with the inclusion of Vet Status + finishing the tutorial once per server, we are able to 'Skip' when making a new character.

    A variation of the start area won't draw new players because well, they don't know what the start area looks like anyway. It could, however, create a different experience for those of us already in-game .... who haven't already hit Vet Status and stopped looking back.
    I agree, What we get from this is needed to draw the attention of new players.

    Quote Originally Posted by Khorban View Post
    DDO is based on 3.5 Ruleset
    I suggested that DDO should take material outside of the ruleset (the completes, PHB II, races of .. etc)

    Quote Originally Posted by Khorban View Post
    In time. One could argue - it should have been there to start. True. But if the Races are there and there is no content - then what's the point? I used to say that when it came out originally - it should have been level 20 cap - just like PHB. After playing, there was no level 20 content. Give and take.
    Everquest (II) had so many starting posibilities I couldn't stop mnaking new characters and that what drawn me to it in the end, well until I found a MMORPG about my favourite game IRL

    Quote Originally Posted by Khorban View Post
    Is this an old post you wrote and just now posting? Update 3 has already started adding these. Again - it takes time to translate the PHB into a 3d model with scripting.
    Well I read the update 3 release notes, and as far as ive seen I dint see any shadowdancer... I might missed some release notes?

    Quote Originally Posted by Khorban View Post
    ummm....what? I don't quite understand what you mean. A cleric is meant to heal and a rogue is trained for stealth attack and trapsmith. While it is possible to change these roles as the character levels - are you saying to give them this ability from creation? ummm.... No?
    Variants like the ranger and paladin with no spellcasting ability that instead have better evasive methods or better fighting abilities. or like Evasion that isnteads of reciving half damage will be able to reflect direct spells or a barbarian rage replaced with a stronger static "rage" that is activated at low HP.

    Quote Originally Posted by Khorban View Post
    Check older suggestions - Druid has been suggested many, many, many times. Not that you're wrong for stating it - just know - they've been asking for it since *I* started.
    Sorry I didnt bother to search, It's because I had other ideas so I put it all together.

    Quote Originally Posted by Khorban View Post
    Chaotic Evil. The issue with alignment is that only weapons are affected. Alignment should affect NPC and other situations...... again - this dynamic takes time. But, Chaotic Evil exists per the correct Class.
    I know its a very complicated feature, so this is why I think it's not something we should hope to see anytime soon.

    Quote Originally Posted by Khorban View Post
    Dynamics - take time. The other games (Fable, for instance) designed the game from the ground up around this principle. Making a round-table such as D&D and having the NPC give us that 'old school DM' flavor - takes.... time.
    same as Evil allignment.

    Quote Originally Posted by Khorban View Post
    Such as? I don't really know how that would change how we farm now. Even if a one time event, we have multiple chars that will do it until they get it. Doing it once - missing it - unable to do it again..... I can see the flames now.
    One time events like, happens once per server and maybe even specific to each server so its actually unique for the entire game! like a very strong lich and his army assulting stormreach.
    Artifacts like in the Dugneon master book (of greyhawk at least), im sure Turbine can make their own artifacts in time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Khorban View Post
    Kinda like... WoW?
    Not really what I thought, you could easily compare this to Everquest, playing monsters in DnD is a very demanded thing for more expirienced players who had enough of the basic human / elf / dwarf and want to try stuff like minotaurs or ogres. Altough LA (level adjustment) is tricy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Khorban View Post
    Absolutely. I don't bash folk for their opinions. Some things I like, some I don't. We are all the same in that fashion. Some of your thoughts have been previously suggested - so maybe in time. I would like to see alot of the stuff myself --- just don't expect it in Update 5.
    Thanks for the reply, much appreceated.

  4. #4
    Community Member KKDragonLord's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bv1771 View Post
    The most urgent features I think DDO should adopt and develop are -

    More starting areas - Every character we make go through the same adventures, adding some variation right at the start of the game after the character is created will draw more players to the game.

    More Korthos?


    We have one starting area and its so boring to be stuck in it that there is even the option to skip it entirely after the first time you complete it. (no to mention veteran status which allows skipping the Harbor as well).

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by bv1771 View Post
    The most urgent features I think DDO should adopt and develop are -

    The Evil allignment - Yes, it is DnD after all, and like DnD (well unlike what the PHB presents us with that is) we should be able to play the evil doers once in a while, altough such mechanic should prove hard to achieve because both reward and concept of such a player's agenda and gameplay should be precalculated and developed and such a thing is hard to make. I am sure its not simple to implent such a thing into an ongoing MMORPG but to think of the impact such an update would have on the game is no doubt Good.


    Maybe be easier, and kind of cool, if the evil alignment starts at the upper end of the game. Like you have a choice of drinking from the Cup of Corruption and becoming evil. Long series of quests/farming to convert back. Maybe some reward for being evil, like able to enter certain plane , wilderness area or something.

    The point would be, would only have to program high end areas instead of retooling the entire game to accommodate the evil alignment
    Dashfornia Winterthorpe
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  6. #6
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    Never ceases to amaze me at folks who think they know this game...and yet have not put in the time.

  7. #7
    Community Member Beld's Avatar
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    Default Everquest owns the IPO to the content, thus

    they have the options to create more 'starting areas', but having played EQ and EQ2, they are all basically re-skinned versions of the same simple hunt/gather/bodyguard stuff at every location.

    Evil PC alignments in this game would make almost every quest non-playable for that toon, why would a chaotic evil barbarian care who was imprisoned, robbed, murdered, etc., they wouldn't, and how would you handle the group dynamics of 5 CG/LG chars with a CE thrown into the mix....would also create many more excuses for griefing imo.

    The races/classes have been asked for repeatedly, but in deference to Turbine, we are not privy to the licensing restrictions placed upon them by Atari, and there is still the ongoing litigation, which may have some/all/nothing to do with this issue.

    Welcome to DDO, glad you are enjoying the game, and you have some interesting/noteworthy suggestions that are presented well. Will be some differing opinions, but hey, this is the internet, how can we not all have differing opinions and such. My opinion would be to leave the starter area as is, it gives a general idea of game play and mechanics which is what it was designed for and then continue to create high level content/items as these are what most people are are only low level for a little while, but you can chase high level loot forever

    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    Some people don't like to play hard. That's why we have 'normal'.

  8. #8
    Community Member Schwarzie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bv1771 View Post
    Well I read the update 3 release notes, and as far as ive seen I dint see any shadowdancer... I might missed some release notes?
    Ýou didnt. Khorban is confusing PrestigeEnhancements (what we have in the game atm) and PrestigeCLASSES.

    I personally would vastly prefer to have the real[tm] deal than this mere shadow. But i doubt that this will come. They are even hesitant to offer new classes and do that only on rare occasions. And Prestigeclasses, and all the possible combinations would vastly increase the possible character concepts. And would therefore a nightmare to 'balance'.

    And i definitely miss Loremaster, Mystic Theurge, Blackguard, Dervish, etc pp in this game
    I am no native english speaker

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  9. #9
    Hero uhgungawa's Avatar
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    Hell, I want to go back to the 4 enhancement system. OK maybe not but it sounded good
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  10. #10
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    /not signed.
    If we were talking about interesting features I would agree to many (or most) of the OP suggestions. However, those aren't top priority in my book. Most urgent IMHO are polishing current content and adding more quality content. But, to address your points.

    Quote Originally Posted by bv1771 View Post
    The most urgent features I think DDO should adopt and develop are -

    More starting areas -
    I would say characters spend most of their lifespan on mid to high levels (perhaps with the exception of PD). Hence, this could be nice but isn't top priority.
    Quote Originally Posted by bv1771 View Post
    More feats and skill uses
    There are already some feats and skills no one is investing in.

    Quote Originally Posted by bv1771 View Post
    Basic races
    This one would be a great addition. Thing with adding a new race, though, is that you need to roll a new toon (or TR one) to enjoy the new content. Polishing current content or adding new quests means enhancing everyone's gaming experience with any of our toons.

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    I want to point out that imo balancing new (prestige) classes into the gmae is rather easy than other mmos because the system is already balanced (D&D 3.5E), its much easier just to consider the changes from the PnP version to the Online-computer version.
    I am sure many of the classes in DnD could be implented without alot of balancing issues.

    Somehow this got left out, but the last sentence in the OP should have said - [But first we need patches more often!]

  12. #12
    Community Member KKDragonLord's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bv1771 View Post
    i Want To Point Out That Imo Balancing New (prestige) Classes Into The Gmae Is Rather Easy Than Other Mmos because The System Is Already Balanced (d&d 3.5e)
    Last edited by KKDragonLord; 02-19-2010 at 11:09 AM.

  13. #13


    You will not get evil player characters in this game due to the fact the GM, aka Turbine, wants you to play heroes. The closest things we may get are the Pale Master and Ravager probably.

    New races cost more to make than new quests.

    Actual PrCs vs. the PrEs we currently have, have been vocally rumored by the devs to be something for Epic levels. Yes, this would deviate from the 3.X ruleset, but it is an MMO and per standard DnD, has house rules.

    Shadowdancers would be utterly worthless in this game. The class adds squat for combat, and the AI auto sees where you are at and does NOT lose sight of you.

  14. #14
    Community Member KKDragonLord's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing_Minds View Post
    Shadowdancers would be utterly worthless in this game. The class adds squat for combat, and the AI auto sees where you are at and does NOT lose sight of you.
    If they developed shadowdancers (which they wont) they would certainly give them HIPS in a way that makes them have 50% concealment miss chance from mobs that don't possess ways to see invisibility or pinpointing their location through other senses such as blindsight.

    Obviously, to balance this out it would probably be a timed ability, limited by activations, cooldowns or shadowy areas, and to make it more effective in combat it could possibly deal a portion of its SA damage as negative energy or something similar.

    This would be very beneficial to Rangers, who would get a similar form of HIPS.

    Obviously, they won't make this class because rogues already have their own PrEs, there are many other classes in need of PrEs, and they would probably not want to give rangers a meaningful use of one of its class features, for balance reasons ofc.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khorban View Post
    ummm....what? I don't quite understand what you mean. IMHO, A cleric is meant to heal and a rogue is trained for stealth attack and trapsmith. While it is possible to change these roles as the character levels - are you saying to give them this ability from creation? ummm.... No?

    Just a little clarification for the newer peeps reading this...

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by KKDragonLord View Post
    If they developed shadowdancers (which they wont) they would certainly give them HIPS in a way that makes them have 50% concealment miss chance from mobs that don't possess ways to see invisibility or pinpointing their location through other senses such as blindsight.

    Obviously, to balance this out it would probably be a timed ability, limited by activations, cooldowns or shadowy areas, and to make it more effective in combat it could possibly deal a portion of its SA damage as negative energy or something similar.

    This would be very beneficial to Rangers, who would get a similar form of HIPS.

    Obviously, they won't make this class because rogues already have their own PrEs, there are many other classes in need of PrEs, and they would probably not want to give rangers a meaningful use of one of its class features, for balance reasons ofc.
    No, the most they'd do is give them two less eyes just like Rangers already have in game.

    To give them "displacement" is a pretty strong ability, and would probably work just like the dragon marks.
    While useful, it still does not give them any addational melee ablity.

    Given how "hiding" works in the game, I can see them instead giving them faster sneaking ablity, such that through shadow dancer, a rouge could move at normal speed while sneaking. This would work in conjunction with the assassin PrE pretty darn well. But given the PrEs in game.. who knows. Maybe they'll take some things from Shadow Dancer and work it into their own flavor of Assassin PrC.

  17. #17
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    About feats I want to point out that at higher levels with the feats only from the ruleset most fighters will end up the same, which is quite boring.

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