Can someone tell me how often the knockdown effect procs when you have both Thief Acrobat Sets (Morah's Band & Morah's Belt) equiped?
Can someone tell me how often the knockdown effect procs when you have both Thief Acrobat Sets (Morah's Band & Morah's Belt) equiped?
Twitter THAT! B#^ch!
By the description of these items I was under the impression that they "unbalance" as per the monk's "unbalancing strike" which grants sneak attacks. I was not under the impression that they knock down or trip the creature affected.
I'd love somebody to correct me if I'm wrong, though.
It's about a 5% (guesstimate based on use, nothing formal) proc that gives a -2 AC to the target. Yeah, I was underwhelmed too.
Brenna, Tzanna, and Tzinna Wavekin
The Dancing Rogues of Argonnessen
Nah, just gives the mini armor destruction like that garbage shield Alveo from bloody crypt. Not worth it.
Aeneas - Boosterseat - Eulogy - Diminutive - Moths