would devotion 6 and Greater Devotion 5 stack?
meanning that i would get the 40% bonus from greater devotion for all spells up to level 5 and for level 6 spells i would get the 20% from devotion and so on?
would devotion 6 and Greater Devotion 5 stack?
meanning that i would get the 40% bonus from greater devotion for all spells up to level 5 and for level 6 spells i would get the 20% from devotion and so on?
The highest bonus will apply to the spell cast. So a cure spell from level 1-5 would get 40%, and for level 6 spells 20%.
You would NOT get 40+20=60% bonus at any time - only the highest bonus applies.
If you're upset about my thumbs down, that was an accident, and I couldn't find a way to edit that. Sorry.
I didn't understand entirely, since he used the word "stack", which it doesn't do, but applies to different cases. So I wanted to try to make clear what it does. Sorry for not having enough RL int.
it's true that i used the word stack by mistake, and that was confusing. I did not give much tought to the title, i was just tryin to get a meaningfull one. At least my description was ok and did show that i did not mean stacking. I was still drinking that first coffee :P
thanks guys