Yes that's somewhat true. But you also have to take into consideration the vastness of D&D. It's something that's been in the making for some 3 and a half decades now. And an ever evolving environment it has become. Not only that but the amount of data space required to hold all the information would be highly overwhelming. I'm not saying that it would be in book form. But to bring it to life would be a great feat. And top of all that, what about alignment restrictions??? In order to take certain wildshape forms you would be required to be evil. This would also limit shape shifting. Also on the topic of shape shifting....Being able to fly. They wouldn't allow it for the same reason they won't allow a fly spell. Or cloud walk for that matter. Another thing is the Animal companion. It plays a huge role in a druids life. However it's also something that A wizard would get. Once again due to game limits it was not implemented.
All I'm saying is give it time. They'll release it when they release it.