Dear Turbine ,
It's been four years since the game's gone live . So you have added a ton of updates and lots of content since game launched back in feb of 2006 . So my one burning question . Where is the Druid class ? What forest did you bury the Druids at ? . If it's a coding issue with wild shape that's a cop out that's frankly , unacceptable . Both Everquest and World of warstuff.... have had shape changing druid forms for years .
Lack of druid spells ? Well with ranger spells and cleric spells you already have a good portion of druid spells in game . Turbine you have already added plenty of new spells to the game since launch . So that's not an excuse .
Game balance issues ? You added flavored souls to the game when there wasn't a need for it . but we got them anyway . So please make the next class introduced to ddo the druid class . It's long past due . I'd Like to hear from Turbine why we do not have Druids as a class in the game already .
Now to further add to this , Is there specific reasons confined to the Eberron campaign setting , that we have not seen the gnome , half orc , and half elf races as play able races per the 3.5 rule books in pen an paper ? . Is this due to some Ebberon restrictions that's been previously unrevealed ? . Also this being set in Ebberon , WHY no Kalashtar race ? Why no psionics , apart from what's found on items from Inspired Quarter ? Is the Inspired Quarter the prelude to the inclusion of a psionic class comming ?
Now if there are legitimate reasons for no druids I can accept it . I just would like to hear why turbines put stuff in without considering Druids .