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  1. #1
    Community Member Wizzly_Bear's Avatar
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    Default Returning player ISO Pale Master info

    There are a few things I have been unable to find the answer for via searching.

    If you take the PM PrE - do you automatically become immune to healing? Or only when in one of the forms (my guess)?

    Can warforged be PM?

    Can they still repair themselves when not in one of the forms?

    What negative energy spells do arcanes have access to? I can't recall any being negative energy except Chill Touch and Necrotic Touch.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009


    The primary PM feature is the persistent spell effect:

    Waves of Disappointment.

    From the moment taking the PrE, you and those around you will feel a vexing irritation that, somewhere in Turbine, PM was considered to be perfectly ready for release.

    If you take the PM PrE - do you automatically become immune to healing? Or only when in one of the forms (my guess)?
    Only in the forms. But you cannot leave the forms at will.

    Can warforged be PM?

    Can they still repair themselves when not in one of the forms?

    What negative energy spells do arcanes have access to? I can't recall any being negative energy except Chill Touch and Necrotic Touch.
    Those are the two damaging negative energy spells. Chill touch caps at 5d6. Necrotic Touch goes to 20d6, but as a touch-range single target spell without metamagics it is pretty unsavory.

    The other neg. energy spells drain levels, which are not amplified by the PM bonus.
    Last edited by gavagai; 02-17-2010 at 10:58 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Wizzly_Bear's Avatar
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    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by gavagai View Post
    The primary PM feature is the persistent spell effect:

    Waves of Disappointment.

    From the moment taking the PrE, you and those around you will feel a vexing irritation that, somewhere in Turbine, PM was considered to be perfectly ready for release.

    Only in the forms. But you cannot leave the forms at will.



    Those are the two. Chill touch caps at 5d6. Necrotic Touch goes to 20d6, but as a touch-range single target spell without metamagics it is pretty unsavory.
    That was pretty much what I guessed - thank you for confirmation.

    I was considering taking it on the next wizard incarnation of Wizzly for the hps if there were any useful negative energy spells, but unless they make some negative energy spells that are useful at levels 6+ (when you can be a PM) I think I'll just avoid it.

  4. #4
    Community Member Daigaioh's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    it's really not useful except to have some extra pets running around. a serious waste of action points. Normal summoned pet+ Skeleton + anything spawned by ozze guard..

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