I've recently came off a rather extended break (About five months, if I estimate), so I'm rather rusty on equipping toons. So, any help would be appreciated.
The cleric I'm trying to equip is an offensive caster cleric with evasion (18 Cleric/Monk 2, nothing special). Just to throw up an idea of current stats (roughly, not able to check actual; obviously, not optimally equipped):
STR 13 (8 Base+2 Inherent+5 Item-2 Stance)
DEX 20 (14 Base+2 Inherent+4 Item)
CON 19 (14 Base+2 Inherent+3 Item)
INT 10 (8 Base+2 Inherent)
WIS 36 (22 Base+2 Inherent+2 Stance+6 Item+4 Enhancements)
CHR 14 (12 Base+2 Inherent)
If it aids any, as well, I'll list predicted end-game feats.
Empower Spell
Maximize Spell
Extend Spell/Quicken Spell (probably Quicken, but we'll see at end-game)
Spell Penetration
Improved Spell Penetration
Spell Focus: Necromancy
Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy
Toughness (Monk)
Lightning Reflexes (Monk)
I'm extremely unfamiliar with the new loot beyond the Shroud, simply because I've been absent when this mod first came out. I've looked through the named items that drop in ToD and such, but I'm simply overwhelmed by the sheer amount of new items.
So, my question is what suggested item set would you have for a character like this? I've seen quite a few 18 Cleric/2 Monk builds running around, so if anyone could offer their projected gear lay out, that'd be exceptional for me. Even if you don't have a similar character, any input is appreciated (Particularly on things like Greensteel Items; I'm unsure if it's worth making a +3 Wis Kama if Exceptional stats appear on rings, now).
Thank you all in advance.