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Thread: Crafting

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Crafting

    I would much like to see a form of crafting items to add desired mods. example i have base pair of goggles and i loot a scroll + seal + whatever for adding the effect of lessor minute seeing. maybe like scroll of minor, lessor, normal(these are prefixes the scroll will not actually have normal in its name just no prefix), improved, greater, and superior minute seeing + goggles seal + base item. which the base item will determine the maximum capacity for adding bonuses like say silver, gold, and platinum goggles. with silver allowing for only 1 mod to be added and platinum allowing for 3 mods to be added. plus a fee of gold pieces. i know this might defeat the purpose of randomly generated items but u can make this extremely expensive making randomly generated items more practical then hand crafting all of your gear. as for bonuses it would go to the same as what u can obtain on any normal random generate item.

    as for price examples on the base item which should be buy-able from npc merchant id say 10,000 gp for silver 1,000,000 gp for gold, and 100,000,000 gp for platinum. and the scrolls should be a looted item and the seal being a reward item from a particular quest of some sort.

    and yes i know this concept is already in use with epic items with the thus upgrading of them, however this is mix and match raid loot and epic items are set in stone sorta and this is not for those who can raid its for those who want maximum efficiency gear wise on a character but don't have the means to get the uber gears.

    also notable the base item will bind to a character once purchased.

    anyone else have anything to comment. do so i am always open to criticism.

    Recap for those who don't get the jest of it
    1) obtain a scroll of the desired bonus
    2) obtain a seal of the item type u want that bonus on
    3) buy a base item of the type of item u want
    4) place the scroll, seal, and base item in the crafting alter (i am going to say alter seems every crafting is done on an alter)
    5) accept and pay a fee of gold
    6) enjoy your new item
    7) (if u bought a gold or platinum base item repeat steps 1,2,4,5, and 6)

    Additional info on scrolls
    Minor +3 skill, +1 stat, +1 saves type, 1 resistance type, 1 click cast uses
    Lessor +5 skill, +2 stat, +2 saves type, 3 resistance type, 1-3 click cast uses
    normal +7 skill, +3 stat, +3 saves type, 5 resistance type, 3 click cast uses
    improved +10 skill, +4 stat, +4 saves type, 10 resistance type, 3-5 click cast uses
    greater +13 skill, +5 stat, +5 saves type, 20 resistance type, 5 click cast uses
    superior +15 skill, +6 stat , +6 saves type, 30 resistance type, 5-10 click cast uses

    the saves type are fortitude, reflex, and willpower
    Also some scrolls will add click cast effects
    some scrolls will add immunities and other effects
    Last edited by Kavassa; 02-17-2010 at 04:23 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member mithralgolem's Avatar
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    I'm sure this has been talked about for years. Crafting is a regular in PnP d&d. However, in MMO's, free range crafting as you have suggested unbalances game play. It trivializes the rarity of named items and other crafting mechanics within the game, even if the free range crafting is not as powerful. Honestly, the best way to do crafting like this would be to use the in game collectibles, gems, etc.. with pre-generated formulas to craft specific items.

    To be honest though, do we really need custom gear? I'm pretty sure the lack of content is a much more pressing issue.

  3. #3
    Community Member Khorban's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mithralgolem View Post
    I'm sure this has been talked about for years. Crafting is a regular in PnP d&d. However, in MMO's, free range crafting as you have suggested unbalances game play. It trivializes the rarity of named items and other crafting mechanics within the game, even if the free range crafting is not as powerful. Honestly, the best way to do crafting like this would be to use the in game collectibles, gems, etc.. with pre-generated formulas to craft specific items.

    To be honest though, do we really need custom gear? I'm pretty sure the lack of content is a much more pressing issue.
    I have to agree with Mgolem on all points. I mean, after a year, I finally feel strong enough in-game to start working on Shroud Items and making my own gear. To give this ability at lower levels, to me, would lessen the intentions.

    You have an honourable suggestion - but understand that we already have this ability....just meant for higher levels
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  4. #4
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    Default yea

    the concept of this is not to give uber items but allow players to craft basically what they could find from randomly generated items if u are worried that it will unbalance the game u can simply put nice lvl requirements on the base item say silver has no requirement gold is level 8 requirement and platinum is level 16 requirement. and the scrolls will also add a requirement to an item based on tier minor with no requirement, lessor with level 5 requirement, normal with level 7 requirement, improved with level 9 requirement, greater with level 11 requirement, and superior with level 13 requirement or however u want to do it. I suggested this because u cannot always find the right gear from randomly generated items

    I just want crafting that suits characters that will never be high end raid worthy. i have a level 16 fighter and she will never see any of the shroud or the really powerful items.

  5. #5
    Community Member Khorban's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kavassa View Post
    the concept of this is not to give uber items but allow players to craft basically what they could find from randomly generated items if u are worried that it will unbalance the game u can simply put nice lvl requirements on the base item say silver has no requirement gold is level 8 requirement and platinum is level 16 requirement. and the scrolls will also add a requirement to an item based on tier minor with no requirement, lessor with level 5 requirement, normal with level 7 requirement, improved with level 9 requirement, greater with level 11 requirement, and superior with level 13 requirement or however u want to do it. I suggested this because u cannot always find the right gear from randomly generated items

    I just want crafting that suits characters that will never be high end raid worthy. i have a level 16 fighter and she will never see any of the shroud or the really powerful items.
    But now you're into other MMOs - White, Green, Blue, Purple items.... the same items that you want to craft somebody may have found and placed on AH (not everytime) but that was the point of D&D on paper - you want that item, you need that item - you go find that item....

    As far as a lvl 16 not getting Shroud - I would have to imagine that you need to get enough TP to purchase the Vale package and then farm it like the rest of us. The fighter is 16 so farming low level favor 'should' be easy.

    If the character cannot hack the Shroud - reroll and start over - I used to think that was a bad thing, but it happens - I've done it. There are no more level sigils - so level away.

    There is already minor crafting for lower levels using the Stone of Change - adding attributes to gear. This is sufficient for me - but.... that's just me.

    Maybe I'm missing the point - but it just seems like I'd rather have them spend time on more content.
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  6. #6
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    id agree with u about the adding of more content part but as far as the stone of change is concerned, no not at all. just adding a few extra small things to gear in my book is not crafting at all. if i have to wait for random gear i wont be playing the game much at all but mostly sitting around doing nothing but waiting for the gear my character needs for the level that my character has achieved. at higher levels gear really makes a difference. if i just ignore the fact that i don't have decent gear for my level, then ask yourself this if you are grouped with someone who is not playing at there full potential because they are not properly geared for what the party is doing will u group with them again later on. Example a level 5-7 wants to do the pit yet they don't have a feather falling item would you want them in your group.

    i am a free player, but i know some p2p players who don't have decent gear for there level and that's because having a gear system totally based on the luck of the loot draw in my opinion is a bottleneck of the level progression in this game. u know forget about all the scrolls and seals nonsense. the game just need a basic gear crafting system to allow players to progress naturally without having to wait eons for decent gear for there level before they can do any leveling again. i know this is the case because well i have been offering 100kpp for a +4 burst type khopesh of maiming for the last month and doing as many lvl 12-15 quest runs as humanly possible and have not gotten a single tell.

    So lets start fresh
    buy a basic item from npc vendor
    loot, or buy from other players an enchantment stone
    combine both basic item + enchantment stone in stone of change
    and you get a random piece of that type of equipment based on the power of the enchantment stone

    how much difference can something like that make vs what it is now, it may be random but its not random to the point of getting one item out of every possible item in the game. 1) instead if the base item is a pair of boots u will get a random pair of boots. 2) the enchantment stone is of power base meaning if its a minor, lessor, regular, improved, greater, or superior enchantment stone u will get an item of that magnitude. instead of doing a level 15 quest on elite and getting a level 7 item.

    if this dose not fix the bottleneck then one thing it will do is give you something to do while you wait on the gear u need.

  7. #7
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    Default Lmao

    this is a follow up to one of my very old threads. I just wanna say WOOT!. i posted this pre crafting and shortly after departed ways with DDO to play something else. Since then iv returned to play again now that crafting is avalable.

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