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  1. #21
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TechNoFear View Post
    It is complicated...

    You may have a slower attack speed because you are now BAB 19 not 20 due to the neg lvl.
    Kind of an old post, but I'm curious if Divine Power could somehow get around this BAB loss.

    Assume you have no neg levels, and are 20, and you hit a Divine Power clicky, which should then give you 20BAB (as well as temp hp and str).
    If you then then equip a Litany or Marilith Chain or CB or whatever, would you still lose your BAB? Or would the remaining time of the buff (supposedly giving 20 BAB) counteract that? Should be very easy to test, but I'm at work, so can't do it for a few hours.

  2. #22
    Community Member Emili's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nomical View Post
    I have a paladin built to use chaosblades - the full build write-up is here:

    The character uses marilith chain for seeker 10, litany of the dead, tharne's goggles for sneak attack 5, shintao monk set for +2 hit/dam, knight of the chalice tower set, and still manages to fit in 39 UMD for no-fail heal scrolls.

    For those who had questions about neg levels from marilith/chaosblades - you get one neg level for each trait you don't have. So, my build gets 2 total neg levels - one for not being chaotic (chaosblades) and one total for both taint of evil items (litany/marilith).

    Neg levels do not effect BaB (I just tested). Neg levels give you -5 hp, -5 mana, -1 skill, -1 save -1 to-hit.

    On the 2nd page, I've just updated the build with new gear set-up using dragon epic gear, and added dps numbers for Min II and Lightning II Khopeshes.

    Here's a quick re-post of the dps comparison, using my build's stats and gear:

    Chaosblades beat Min II for boss fights by 30-70 dps depending on fort.

    Chaosblades are identical dps to Lightning II on evil outsider trash when anarchic works. Slightly below when it doesn't, but they also vorpal and heal you with vampiric.

    So, chaosblades are very worth it, as long as you enjoy running epic queen and are willing to have a little patience getting all the items!

    13 str + 6 weapon +5 power attack + 3 divine favor +2 shintao + 8 divine might IV + 8 bard song +1 litany = 46 main hand/39 off hand

    A. Named devil boss fight, 6 min:
    (no sneak attack, with madstone, with haste, Divine Might, zeal, smites, and divine sacrifices):

    1.) No fortification
    Chaosblades: 552 damage/second
    Min II: 482 damage/second

    2) 50% fortification
    Chaosblades: 486 damage/second
    Min II: 450 damage/second

    B. Trash evil outsiders
    (haste, DM and zeal, sneak 45% of time, no madstone, no smites, no divine sacrifices, no mob fort)

    Chaosblades (if anarchic works): 487 damage/second
    Lightning II: 487 damage/second
    Chaosblades (no anarchic): 438 damage/second
    Min II: 423 damage/second

    Note -- I'm assuming in these calculations that acid does not hurt the mobs. Lightning does hit them. Anarchic applied as listed above.
    The -1 to hit is a reflection of the -1 to BaB ... although the BaB is still listed 20 on sheet the BaB actually goes down - reflecting in the - "to hit" and in actual combat speed - you loose speed and swings given the same time-frame... pinched, poked, probed and tested.

    Quote Originally Posted by zablyplux View Post
    Kind of an old post, but I'm curious if Divine Power could somehow get around this BAB loss.

    Assume you have no neg levels, and are 20, and you hit a Divine Power clicky, which should then give you 20BAB (as well as temp hp and str).
    If you then then equip a Litany or Marilith Chain or CB or whatever, would you still lose your BAB? Or would the remaining time of the buff (supposedly giving 20 BAB) counteract that? Should be very easy to test, but I'm at work, so can't do it for a few hours.
    This I am not quite sure of...
    Last edited by Emili; 04-29-2010 at 04:28 PM.
    A Baker's dozen in the Prophets of the New Republic and Fallen Heroes.
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  3. #23
    Community Member Daehawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zablyplux View Post
    Kind of an old post, but I'm curious if Divine Power could somehow get around this BAB loss.

    Assume you have no neg levels, and are 20, and you hit a Divine Power clicky, which should then give you 20BAB (as well as temp hp and str).
    If you then then equip a Litany or Marilith Chain or CB or whatever, would you still lose your BAB? Or would the remaining time of the buff (supposedly giving 20 BAB) counteract that? Should be very easy to test, but I'm at work, so can't do it for a few hours.
    Alright, thought someone would of tested this by now so checked to see if anyone had posted. But guess not.

    If I equip Chaosblade + Treason on my paladin without Divine power his Attack Bonus is +32 for Chaosblade and +27 for Treason.

    If I equip Chaosblade + Treason on my paladin with Divine Power his attack bonus is +32 for Chaosblade and +27 for Treason.

    So no, I don't think you can use Divine Power to get around the Neg BAB you occur.

    Argo: Saveric(18Pal/2Ftg), Daehawk(20Wiz), Syverious(13Rog/6Rng/1Ftr), Katasuki(8Mnk)
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant
    (Guild): [Guild] +Tarrant: And then there was the whole "Wait is that me? Rewind. Pause! Looks like my shirt. Think those are my shoes. Definitely my legs.

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