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Thread: Drow TWF FvS?

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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Drow TWF FvS?

    So I'm F2P since I'm principally against paying for anything ever and I've unlocked drow about a kajillion times and rolled a lot of characters that drow are well suited to (rogue, wiz, sorc, bard) but I've never unlocked a 32-pt build on any server because I keep re-rolling and dont have a million character slots. I was hoping to make something better at soloing. Bard buffs don't impress me as much as a huge mana pool for some reason. Every time I create a group only idiots seem to join and I wouldn't mind being Mr. Popular heal-bot guy so decent groups would let me join or maybe even invite me and I wouldn't have to scan the 5 or 6 available groups full of people that don't know what they're doing. It seems like any FvS can be healbot if they avoid agro and just simply focus on healing, but then they also have the option of kicking some arse whether its nukes or melee, thus they can solo and be Mr. Popular as well.

    I was trying to create something that actually takes advantage of the drow ability increases, which aren't exactly perfectly suited to the FvS; far from it really. I was thinking a TWF melee build that could also be a heal-bot. I could use increased INT and CHA to focus some on diplomacy to shed some agro to start healing in a clutch situation and maybe get some UMD. I'm not sure where I should even start though since I've never even made a FvS. The whole religion thing and the class feats or abilities or whatever are still a mystery to me. I haven't even rolled a cleric before. Mostly because it sounds incredibly boring. I'm pretty good at targeting party members and having a million quickbars however.

    anyways, even the ability points are wracking my mind. I'm not very enthused about over-investing in anything so I probably wont put anything over 16. Wisdom will clearly be gimped but I'm not sure how much I can gimp it and still cast certain spells and if some offensive spells don't have DC's. Will "dispelling-type" spells have wisdom affected DC's?

    anyways, what I'm working with stat-wise is

    STR 14
    DEX 16
    CON 14
    INT 14
    WIS 8
    CHA 12

    I'd be going with weapon finesse and TWF feats mostly

    ... well I just played with the character generator for like an hour trying to make a rogue splash (or a lot more than splash) because those look almost exactly like rogue stats, but I think I should make it pure FvS to be a nice stereo-typical heal-bot and because i dont have monk unlocked ... the wisdom is gimp anyways. Do I need more wisdom even if I never cast DC spells or possibly just for spell availability? Could there be any justification for putting CON down to 12? I'm REALLY used to being squishy. I didn't roll the pure FvS yet so I don't know if higher INT or CHA will ultimately give me the higher diplomacy and UMD with the number of skills I want (a lot). If I can get INT or CHA to 16 and have a reason then I can almost justify not using a 32-point elf build.

    I'll try to put up an actual build once I'm awake some day. The actual ability points bug me though because it sounds like I'm half-way to "self-gimped".

    Edit: The logic behind it is to poke some mob with a rapier and draw his agro as opposed to drawing 5 mobs agro by nuking and being able to diplo him away if i have to heal and I won't have to sit idle waiting for someone to take damage.
    Last edited by SpoonyJank; 02-16-2010 at 09:14 AM.

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