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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Danmor View Post
    As someone who plays mainly divine healers I find this whole thread very amusing.
    Clerics/FvS can kill stuff too ... if they don't have to watch red bars all the time.
    You're funny.Which should heal more the guy that has the heal spell or wall of fire?

  2. #22
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    The simple answer here is "no," at least for most quests.

    There are only a few situations where you should be expected to be a "WF healbot." These are in VOD on the tank if they are warforged, and in TOD on the main tank if they are warforged. In normal questing there is no reason you should have to sit around and watch the WF health and heal. Of course, in normal questing you should be able to at the very least keep an eye on another WF's health and give him a reconstruct if you see he's getting low and needs one, but you should not be expected to do ONLY that. Your spell points can be better spent doing other things at the same time.

  3. #23
    Community Member Danmor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mentor61 View Post
    You're funny.Which should heal more the guy that has the heal spell or wall of fire?
    It's not a question of who should heal more, but whether to heal or not. Btw, Wall of Fire is not the be all end all spell. There are enough situations where a blade barrier is of more use than a wall of fire.
    So it shouldn't be too much to expect the sorc/wiz that carries the reconstruct spell to watch a warforged's health bar in normal quests. To paraphrase the old cleric motto: A sorcerer can do so much more than just nuking ^^
    Quote Originally Posted by DDOTalk71 View Post
    If the melee asks "Why didn't you heal me before I died?", Healer response should be "Why didn't you kill it before you died?"
    Everybody's got the right to be stupid, some just abuse the privilege.

  4. #24
    Community Member Vhlad's Avatar
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    My drow sorc has reconstruct.

    Every arcane should have reconstruct IMO.

    Learn to keep an eye on your robotic companions while nuking, CC, doing whatever you normally do. Keeping a few WF up should not replace your prior activities. Learn to do both simultaneously.

    i.e. VOD as a drow sorc with a WF tanking: spam reconstruct scrolls, possible reconstruct spell as needed, make sure everyone is hasted and raged, webs/fogs for bats, waves of fatigue & waves of exhaustion the raid boss, displacement on the player with orthon aggro.

    VOD as a drow sorc without a WF tanking: make sure everyone is hasted and raged, webs/fogs for bats, waves of fatigue & waves of exhaustion the raid boss, displacement on the player with orthon aggro.

    All that changes in this case is you spend more time standing around doing nothing.

    Stretch your arms a bit, crack your knuckles, and learn to increase your actions per minute.
    Thelanis - Former VIP for ~4 years. Not currently playing.
    Former officer of Indago, server-wide 2nd place: Titan, Queen, Reaver, & Abbot
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  5. #25
    Founder Tyrande's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daiur View Post
    So my question is, is it the fate of the Sorc to become a Healbot in endgame?

    Being told things like: "Just Reconstruct me, its the efficientest way to use your sp", is really a bother.
    And to force the role of a healer onto a class that can do so much more... I am currently at the point that I don't join PUGs with WF in it. I rolled my sorc to have fun, not to be the healer for people who dont go Healers friend enhancement (something i think should count as broken built on ANY melee/heavy healdepending class).

    Oppinions? Am I just overreacting or smth?
    Perhaps. If you don't like how the sorcerer is currently implemented in end game, you can do two things:

    1) File a bug saying why you think the current implementation of sorcerer is being un-fun in endgame, and do a statistical analysis of where the damage output versus melee classes and how you perceive where the damage should be, versus other online MMOs, like Guild Wars, WoW, etc.

    2) Do not group with PUGS with Warforged in them. Since there is casual mode, just bring a hireling cleric to duo with yourselves, especially the level 17 one with Divine Vitality III. You are lucky if you find a real life cleric with Divine Vitality nowadays unless its a guild cleric.

    As for myself, I do not mind reconstructing for WF in raids like VOD, AS LONG AS I GET COMPENSATED for using mana pots. What I hate was, used X amount of mana pots, came the completion quest: bird chips and none of the warforged offered platinum or mana pots for the mana pots used. Nowadays, they are expensive: over 500,000 per pot to be purchased from AH or 1395 T points for 100 best SP pots. If there is a way to tip Turbine Points, I would have asked them to do so.

    3) Communication that you are not forced spec'd and offered to drop group if asked to do a "primary" reconstruct instead of "backup".

    With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

  6. #26
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daiur View Post
    So my question is, is it the fate of the Sorc to become a Healbot in endgame?
    Being told things like: "Just Reconstruct me, its the efficientest way to use your sp", is really a bother...
    With a few exceptions, if the WF Barb/Fighter/etc... is taking so much damage that I am spending all of my time and SP reconstructing them, it really ISN'T the most effective use of my SP.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daiur View Post
    ...And to force the role of a healer onto a class that can do so much more...
    Agreed - there is a time and a place for people to fill a role, but should never be forced onto them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kriogen View Post
    ...The only good thing is that you can solo anything with the exception of Raids...
    Many of the raids have been soloed by arcane. It's a common misconception that you must be a melee class to be effective in the raids.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mentor61 View Post
    You're funny.Which should heal more the guy that has the Blade Barrier spell or wall of fire?
    Fixed that for you.
    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  7. #27
    Community Member Bunker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mentor61 View Post
    Leveled one on thelanis to 16 then 20,leveled a 28 human on cannith,tr'd into a wf 34 pointer tr'd again as a human 36 pointer.What was that again?
    Well if you have done all that, I would have thought your grasp of sp a sorc has vs what is needed to finish a quest would be better understood.

    I'm sure sorcerers that are more worried about the few times they might have to recon. a WF, are better off sticking to solo play.
    Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks

  8. #28
    Community Member Bunker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vhlad View Post
    My drow sorc has reconstruct.

    Every arcane should have reconstruct IMO.

    Learn to keep an eye on your robotic companions while nuking, CC, doing whatever you normally do. Keeping a few WF up should not replace your prior activities. Learn to do both simultaneously.

    i.e. VOD as a drow sorc with a WF tanking: spam reconstruct scrolls, possible reconstruct spell as needed, make sure everyone is hasted and raged, webs/fogs for bats, waves of fatigue & waves of exhaustion the raid boss, displacement on the player with orthon aggro.

    VOD as a drow sorc without a WF tanking: make sure everyone is hasted and raged, webs/fogs for bats, waves of fatigue & waves of exhaustion the raid boss, displacement on the player with orthon aggro.

    All that changes in this case is you spend more time standing around doing nothing.

    Stretch your arms a bit, crack your knuckles, and learn to increase your actions per minute.
    Although I don't agree 100% with Vhlad about having reconstruct on every caster, I definitly agree with his ideal on the subject.

    As I read this, I see Vhlad trying to express that as a sorc, instead of worrying about doing less, try to do more.

    I am totally all about that. No player should ever want to work hard at doing less. If you are a fleshy sorc, have a few recon scrolls, heal scrolls for yourself, restoration scrolls for members of the party that need it, heck as a class that can obtain a fairly high UMD, that is the whole idea.

    Do more, not less. And when asked if you can do something, reply saying Hellz Yeeeah!!!!

    We all know those types that will abuse thier party members. Those that will do as little as possible. I believe the industry term is piking, iirc. I have found that the more you do, you will be recognized in a positive way for this very thing. And in the end, you will find yourself grouping with players more frequent that share the same ideals.
    Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunker View Post
    Well if you have done all that, I would have thought your grasp of sp a sorc has vs what is needed to finish a quest would be better understood.

    I'm sure sorcerers that are more worried about the few times they might have to recon. a WF, are better off sticking to solo play.

    For the 2 quests in the game I would need to reconstruct (VOD + TOD) I think you guys are blowing a lot of hot air.It's news to me that when you're a sorc and a WF joins group you automatically become a healer.

    And don't you worry about playing solo,been doing that 99% of the time to avoid that very situation and it's been a frustration-free leveling for my TR.Hireling cleric ftw.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mentor61 View Post
    For the 2 quests in the game I would need to reconstruct (VOD + TOD) I think you guys are blowing a lot of hot air.It's news to me that when you're a sorc and a WF joins group you automatically become a healer.

    And don't you worry about playing solo,been doing that 99% of the time to avoid that very situation and it's been a frustration-free leveling for my TR.Hireling cleric ftw.
    The person you're quoting says nothing about when a warforged joins that you automatically become a "healer." They are stating that there is no harm in having the spell loaded and being a team player by healing the warforged character when needed (which really shouldn't be all that often).

    We also don't care about how often you solo, you're saying that like it's some kind of special accomplishment. The vast majority of us can do that too...and don't need a hireling cleric. Hirelings get in the way.

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyr View Post
    OP there is no excuse for a warforged without healers friend. There are only two places where you SHOULD be healing a warforged in raids. 1) VoD with warforged as main tank (by no means the best way to run the raid fyi, but many do) 2) ToD with warforged on Jailer, or warforged on Sully

    Otherwise, they should have enough healer's friend and healing enhancements to be healed just fine by the divines and in raids that usually means masses when it matters.
    Be more only need Healers Friend if your a WF who cannot reconstruct. My WF sorc does not have an will not have Healers Friend. He is no friend to healers....he heals himself...and then rezes the cleric.

  12. #32
    Community Member Knippers's Avatar
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    Default Lmao

    This brightened my day. Another class complaining about being pigeon-holed into a limited style of play....

    Wait. I'll brb after I get my popcorn.

  13. #33
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    ...and don't need a hireling cleric. Hirelings get in the way.
    Not me - I keep a lever-puller-of-divine-vitality in my inventory all the time
    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phidius View Post
    Not me - I keep a lever-puller-of-divine-vitality in my inventory all the time
    and when they're done with that, they're dismissed because they get in the way

  15. #35
    Discerning Gentlerobot Piker Turtlsdown's Avatar
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    Wow, why all the hostility fellas? The guy asked a legitimate question. No need for the thread to get frothy. Back on topic, if somebody wanted to go through the wonders of healing others, they could either make a healbot Cleric, healbot FvS, and by that token a healbot Sorc/Wiz. They could put in their bio "healbot sorc". Otherwise, people can and will play the classes how they like.

    My WF sorc has repair spells only because they are usefull for him and he will heal other WF in the group when he notices they are in need of it. *However*, he will laugh at other WF who are not self-sufficient enough to keep themselves from dying when and if he doesn't heal them in time, and who start to yell at him angrily for not healing them. I'm using a spell on them that happens to be beneficial (just like any buff, or offensive spell) for the situation but I'm not a dedicated healer. That's all there is to it. Anyone who groups with me and has a big need to tell me my "place" is welcome (VERY welcome, plz for the love of god, and for both our sakes) to not party with me ever again. Pretty simple concept, and I think it applies well to any class.

    Turbine, make a prestige path for Sorcs that is bascially the "Arcane Mechanic" with nice enhancement lines for repair spells and maybe some kind of buff abilities for WF etc. This would make it easier for people to say "oh, good, here comes a Arcane Mechanic. Our WF party members are gonna be taken care of..." instead of bothering sorcs and wizzies who maybe have alts that are cleric/fvs healbots and are sick and tired of nursing others (after a career as a healer, this can be a legit burnout, trust me) and just want to get in on the "slinging spells that go boom!" action for a while.

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mentor61 View Post
    You're funny.Which should heal more the guy that has the heal spell or wall of fire?
    This can be turned around too.

    You're funny. Which should heal the WF more the guy that has the reconstruct spell or blade barrier?

  17. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by Bunker View Post
    Is your sorc a WF? If yes, you should be taken out back and shot.

    Most WF sorcs/wiz will sacrafice a lvl 6 spell slot to carry reconstruct. As for non-WF sorcerers, I would not expect them to carry the spell, but if they do, even better for the WF comrads.

    Simply, if you are a WF, then be a WF. None of this,boo hoo hoo crying over having to heal another WF if you are one in the first place. Dude, you are a sorc, you have over 2500 sp. Reconstruct costs 35 (iirc).

    In conclusion, if you are a WF sorc, best ask yourself why you chose that race in the first place. My WF sorc would roll over in his grave knowing that other WF sorcerers out there could be as stingy with thier sp.

    There are many great duos in Stormreach, and some might say the WF tank/WF sorc is the best. So embrace your WF brothers, step up to the front of the line and take notice of not what seems like a pain, but rather the power.

    i don't think every arcane has to load reconstruct, but every caster should have reconstruct scroll and keep an eye on WF if possible, or at least when people say WF needs heal, you could give him a hand.

    if a party has too many WFs that require arcane caster to act as a healer, and you don't like to act as a healer, there is sth wrong with the party formation. You should just drop group and join another. When I was leveling my cleric, I usually form my own group and i seldom take more than one WF melee. If there are too many barb and WF, I'll discuss with them to sort out how to heal and inform them I won't be able to heal them fast enough and they have to bring their repair pots. if there is a WF caster or Wiz, I'll ask if he can do reconstruct. If he is not willing to reconstruct, i won't force but will take less WF class in the party to make sure I'm comfortable to keep the party alive. There is no way you should be forced to act as a healbot if you don't want to.

    My sorc didn't load reconstruct. And I never like to act as a WF repairman. timer tracker, completions tracker, search engine, puzzle solver, xp table
    My toons on Argo: Salade TR2 Wiz20, Speedo ESoS Fighter, MangoSalade TR2 Wiz18/Mnk2, EvaHealer Clr18/Mnk2

  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by tgun View Post
    This can be turned around too.

    You're funny. Which should heal the WF more the guy that has the reconstruct spell or blade barrier?
    Well seeing as my healing clerics can heal for 600~1000 hp....and my WF Sorc can only reconstruct for 300 thinking its probably my Healer.

    What are you thinking?

  19. #39
    Community Member Lleren's Avatar
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    I think very few players create characters in DDO intending to be pure healbots. Remember the healer phrase "Can't heal stupid" and find your own limits.

    I think avoiding groups/raids that any melee style Warforged are involved in is farther then I would want to go.
    Occasionally playing on Cannith

    Llyren, Kelda and some others.

  20. #40
    Founder Varis's Avatar
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    I'm suprised that people act like 2500 mana is "sooooo" much... I have 3080+ and I still have to watch my mana carefully.

    Of course, if your playstyle is to just tag along the back of the group and toss a web here, a reconstruct there and spice it up with the occasional energy drain + insta kill, then I have 0 pity on your for being stuck as the heal gimp.
    Roa - Fernian Nuker

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