I have not been able to find any duration information on the Destruction or Improved Destruction suffix debuff other than "short duration".
How short is "short"? 1 minute? 30 seconds?
I have not been able to find any duration information on the Destruction or Improved Destruction suffix debuff other than "short duration".
How short is "short"? 1 minute? 30 seconds?
1 minuit.
Same as regular destruction, it works identically, even the name that debuff name that shows up in monster profiles.. However it does not stack with regular destruction.
1 minuit seems to be a fairly common duration for on-melee hit debuffs.
Also applies to: Strength Sapping, Crippling, Cursepewing, Paralysys (tho with a recurring save every 2 seconds, it never lasts that long)
The "shaken" status some weapons apply is shorter, at 30 seconds iirc.
Last edited by Shade; 05-17-2010 at 10:35 AM.